When I decided to make my career as lecturer of commerce , I always thought that why should I (here means any human body ) want to become an accountant . There few benefits which always encourage me to become a good accountant . So today I am same sharing with you. Please read carefully If you are interested to make a good career in the field of accounting .
- First of all we are human being , our memory is very small , so If I am a good accountant I ca
n easily and scientific records of my all transactions which are useful for me and my business . In this way accountant can easily reduce the stress on his brain for remembering each and every transaction .
- I believe that God is super accountant , he gives refund to every body on his doing past works . He keeps records of every work of animals , men ,women , and all biotic and antibiotics . Because I am the part of God So I want to become a good Accountant.
- Because Accountancy is a branch of science , So by becoming Accountant is becoming a scientist . With solving the problem of fund every business can fail . Only accountant can tell how can we use money because his experience in the field of accounting gives him a bundle of knowledge to solve the problem of lack of fund and effective utilisation of fund . He know that what is cash flow statement what is fund flow statement what is its effects .
- In last of this topic I only say that An accountant have universal approach . He is fully professional , By doing his job , he is doing also a social work because without keeping record , we can not analysis of our financial weak points , and we also can not effective use of our capital . So Accountant save the wastage of money .