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Printing commands in tally

Printing reports
You can obtain a printed version of the screen you are currently displaying by selecting Print from the top of the button bar menu. This brings up new button bar options and the Print Configuration screen for the report, which asks Print? Yes or No. If you select Yes, the report will be printed using the options specified on the screen. If you select No, you can change the options before printing.
Tally's neat printing is just too neat! Print out an invoice and you would not consider using pre-printed stationery at all.
There are two types of print configuration options:
As a print button or [ALT]+[P] key combination is all display screens. Remember, it is not a print screen – it is special printing and printed reports would differ from displays. Tally takes advantage of a printer's capability and uses it to maximise aesthetics in printed output.
As a printing menu option through the Gateway of Tally. You can print multiple reports at a time through this option.
Print Preview
If you select to print a displayed document or report, the Print Dialog Box expects you to view the output before printing. It defaults to 'With Preview'. You can however, change it to 'No Preview' by clicking the appropriate Button.
The Preview screen allows you to view the document and even scrolls if it is multi-page; print from there or even E-mail the document as an attachment. Hence, if you want to see how a document that you originally wanted to E-mail, would appear at the destination, use Print Preview.
Common printing options
Common printing options affect the printing of current selected reports. They are changed by selecting the appropriate button from the button bar:
Auto Column:
- If the screen version of the report supports Auto Column, this button will be available and performs a similar function.
- To change the title of the report.
Page Nos:
- To specify the starting page number and page number range.
Pre-Printed / Plain Paper:
- Toggle to make the selection.
Quick Format / Neat Format:
- Toggle between quick (draft) and neat (standard) formats.
With Colour:
- This option is only relevant if you have a colour printer.
Copies: - To specify the number of pages to be printed.
Printer: - To change the printer settings. This also displays the default paper size that you have set for the printer.
Other printing options
Multi-Account Printing
Gateway of Tally —>Multi-Account Printing
Principally geared towards printing the Primary Books of Accounts, like the Cash and Bank Books, Account Ledgers, Sales and Purchase Registers etc, without needing to select the accounts one at a time and pressing Alt+P. The facilities provide for printing One Account at a time, All Accounts, or All Accounts in a selected Group. Before printing, the date range and other selections may also be set up.
The current mechanism of printing used by Tally, will require that for large company accounts, you choose to print each ledger account on separate pages, - otherwise the memory requirements of the system become so large as to bring most systems to their knees.
Draft Mode Printing (Quick Format)
Almost every report can also be printed in Draft Mode (except for Cheques!). The default behaviour of Tally is to print in Neat Format – and you may alter this by pressing Alt+F just before printing. All subsequent reports will be printed in Quick Format, until Alt+F is pressed again at the Printing Screen. (The button equivalent for this is marked Quick Format).
Draft mode necessarily brings in additional restrictions in the printing , which you will quickly learn by experimentation. It also enables Printing to a File, which may be selected by pressing Alt+E (to Select the Printer whose dimensions are to be used, and the name of the File to output to.)
Display Account books & statements
Books of account record the individual transaction details you have entered. Although you may post items to many different ledgers, Tally brings all the transactions of one category together into a book of account for viewing and printing. For example, the Cash Book records all the transactions affecting cash, the Sales Book records all the sales transactions.
Statement of Accounts pertain to cost centres and outstanding analysis. These are derived from individual transactions but are not statutory requirements.
Financial statements on the other hand are still derived from individual transactions but tend to show summary totals, ratios and statistics, analysing a company's financial data in a wide variety of ways. Typical financial statements include the Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss A/c, and Cash Flow Analysis. Financial statements are usually statutory requirements in most countries.
All books are displayed first as a monthly summary with opening and closing balances.
Select a month and press [enter] to display all transactions for the month. The opening and closing balances as well as transaction totals are also displayed.
Select a transaction to bring up the voucher. This voucher comes up either in display or in alteration mode depending upon the access rights available to you.
** This is a typical display method and is available from most places, including statements. For example, even from a Balance Sheet, you would first display the group summary, then the ledger monthly summary and finally the transaction voucher itself.
Let us see some typical examples of how to display the books of account and financial statements. You will then be able to experiment with other statements for yourself.
Example 1 - viewing Bank books
Gateway of Tally—> Display—> Account Books—> Bank Books
This displays the Bank Group Summary.
Select a bank account if there are more than one. Press Enter to display the Ledger Monthly Summary.
Select F12: Configure to bring up the Configuration/Graphs option menu.
Use the Tab key to tab down to Show with graph? and type Yes and press Enter. Select Bar and press Enter to return to the Ledger Monthly Summary, now displaying a graph of the figures.
With the highlight bar over one month's, say July's figures, press Enter to display the Ledger Vouchers screen. Note that all the vouchers for July are listed. Press [Esc] to return to the Ledger Monthly Summary screen.
Select F12: Value to bring up the Value to Calculate in Report screen. From the Particulars menu, select Voucher Type. From the next Particulars menu, select Name (the only option). From the Range of Info. menu select equal to. Then type Contra and press Enter. From the Condition menu select End of List and press Enter twice.Notice in the Ledger Monthly Summary that the figures are now reduced as they only show Contra vouchers. To check this, position the highlight bar over the July figures and press Enter to display the details.
Keep pressing [Esc] until you return to the Gateway of Tally menu.

Example 2 - viewing the Balance Sheet
Gateway of Tally—> Balance Sheet
Notice the format of the display.

Select Detailed to give break-up of the grouped figures.
Select F12: Configure to bring up the Configuration screen. Select the following options and observe the new display.

Select New Column and enter a date range, e.g., 1-1-97 to 1-5-97 to show the change in the balance sheet since 1st May

Scroll down to highlight Net Profit and press Enter. This takes you to the Profit and Loss screen. Select F1: Detailed to show a more detailed report.
Place the cursor on any amount in the column for 16-12-97. Select Alter Column. Change period to 1-1-97 to 31-5-97 and valuation to Last Purchase Cost. Notice the change in closing stock value and consequently the change in profit figures.
Example 4 - Viewing the Trial Balance
Gateway of Tally —> Display —> Trial Balance.
Select F5: Led-wise to obtain a display of the ledger balances.
Select F12: Configure and just change the Sorting Method to Amount-wise (Decreasing).
Select F12: Range and in the Range of Information in Report screen, set up Ledgers having Closing Balance greater than 20000.
To exit, keep pressing [Esc] until you return to the Gateway of Tally menu.
You are welcome to experiment. It is simply your opportunity to explore the powerful display features of Tally. You have seen some of the reports and how they can be stepped-through, configured and modified, so use that knowledge to try similar and new things on the other reports.
For example, you might like to look at the following:
Ratio Analysis - try using F12: Configure to put it into vertical format and then using New Column to compare month-by-month data.
Cash Flow - try changing the period to 1st May to 31st July and then using F12: Configure to show a weekly analysis and adding a graph to the display.
Outstanding (Ledger) - try using Enter and the arrow keys to step-down to voucher level and then back up again using [Esc].
For example, the company withdraws cash from the bank for petty cash or transfers funds from one bank account to another.


: 3
  1. while printing of all ledger a/cs in tally 7.2, the names of the ledger at topmost of the page does not display

  2. while printing of all ledger a/cs in tally 7.2, Iam getting paper wasted and i need the ledger to print continously without wasting paper i.e. one or more ledgers in a single page. please advice..... madhu

  3. is Passable Print all Ledger in with out Cash Book

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Accounting Education: Printing commands in tally
Printing commands in tally
Accounting Education
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