After increasing the complexity in business process , ERP has become famous among business community . If we have to define it in simple way . Then we can say that ERP is the new invention of Information technology in which experts make the system for integration of all business processes . For this , they utilize different software and hardware , with this all process of business like , accounting , human resource , production and now marketing are managed . So , ERP has obtained reputation in market . Before using of ERP different business process is done by different softwares and businessmen felt tension regarding co-ordination of all processes .
Now , ERP whose full name is enterprise resource planning ( some says enterprise resource processing ) is very scientific technique of Controlling whole business by co-ordination of all information on shared data base . This technique was firstly introduced by information technology research and advisory firm Gartner, Inc. in 1990

Function of ERP

5. Main function of ERP system and softwares is to provide information updated and on real time .
6. In ERP , you can get answer of any query by its powerful query and filtering facility .
7. Now advance ERP softwares packages are providing the facility to manage import , export , tax and fulfilling other legal requirements .
8. Computer aided design can also integrate with ERP softwares for showing design of products on real time and according to the need of customers .
9. ERP provides also all financial analysis under finance modules and comply with India's and other international accounting standards .
10. ERP system can easily use in Government , healthcare , financial , retail and other service sectors .
Now , ERP whose full name is enterprise resource planning ( some says enterprise resource processing ) is very scientific technique of Controlling whole business by co-ordination of all information on shared data base . This technique was firstly introduced by information technology research and advisory firm Gartner, Inc. in 1990
Function of ERP
- With ERP , business can better control over its billing to customers and receivables. With the ability to automate processes. It provides better operational, financial and accounting control over its billing operations and receivables.
- ERP system can be used for accomplish every task by integrating the information system , seamless flow of information across every department . It is helpful to make automation of every business process .
- Because ERP works on IT's basic rules 'input -process-output ' , So it is also using as management information system (MIS ) .
- ERP treats the organisation as single entity and caters to the information needs of the whole organisation because information is the key resource of every organisation to win the competition . ERP system provides accurate , relevant and timeliness information to all department on one software system .
5. Main function of ERP system and softwares is to provide information updated and on real time .
6. In ERP , you can get answer of any query by its powerful query and filtering facility .
7. Now advance ERP softwares packages are providing the facility to manage import , export , tax and fulfilling other legal requirements .
8. Computer aided design can also integrate with ERP softwares for showing design of products on real time and according to the need of customers .
9. ERP provides also all financial analysis under finance modules and comply with India's and other international accounting standards .
10. ERP system can easily use in Government , healthcare , financial , retail and other service sectors .
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