When you come from office to home , it is your duty to shut down your office computer and also second is to lock your PC because they are lot of your company accounts , reports and other confidential documents in your computer and as account manager or accountant , you must follow above mention advice , if you will not follow the above advice , it may possible , after forgetting office computer , other employee of company can steal your confidential data and other accounting information by using pan drive or mobile video or by any other means .
So , I also telling you one new and scientific technique with this you can shut down your office computer without going to office by use of nearest Internet connected PC or your personal laptop in home or with your pocket mobile .
For this you have to get free software service from tweetmypc . This software is used to shutdown or logoff your office computer from far place . There is no need to go to office . For shuting down your office computer , you can use twitter account as remote control .
If you want to use this facility practically , I am writing following steps of how to use this facility .
Ist step
You must your own twitter account , you have not twitter account , first of all go to http://twitter.com/ and make your own twitter account .
2nd step
Go to Tweetmypc and right side you will see download button of tweetmypc software , download it by click on download button . After downloading software , then install it in your office computer
3rd step
Now when you forget your office computer . Go to twitter account with the help of home laptop or any nearest cafe computer and write shutdown or logoff in twitter box and then click update , it will publish on twitter and after this your office computer will automatically shutdown and your computer will save from any stealing of accounting information .
you can also shut down your office computer with the help of your pocket mobile also
you can also send sms from mobile in following numbers by writing sms shutdown or logoff
US: 40404
Canada: 21212
UK short code: 86444
New! New Zealand short code: 8987
Germany: +49 17 6888 50505
Sweden: +46 737 494222
India: 5566511 (note: this short code is still in beta, so if you can't use it, try our international number below.)
All other countries: +44 762 4801423
after this your office computer will automatically shutdown . Before using this facility , you must read this web page of instruction from twitter help forum .
Scientific reason of above action : Actually applying above steps , you have made your home laptop as remote control like remote control of your TV and you have shutdown your office computer with this .