Tally.ERP 9 is the best accounting software in the market which provide you the migration facility from its old version . Like migrating other Tally 7.2 and Tally 9 data , you need to migrate TDS data from Tally 9 to your new Tally.ERP 9 . Main reason is that both tally 9 and Tally.ERP 9's structure are different . So , for including TDS files in Tally.ERP 9 , you have to migrate after this tally.erp 9 will convert it in its recording structure . Tally.ERP 9 have advance facility of recording multiple expenses' TDS deducation in Same Voucher . So , this migration is very necessary .
Steps for Migrating TDS Data from Tally 9 to Tally.ERP 9
First Step
You need not take this step , if you are both tally 9 and tally.erp 9 are using , when you open tally.erp 9 , tally automatically asks you for Rewrite of Data. Press Enter or Y to Rewrite Version. On pressing enter Application asks for the backup of data before rewrite.
Second Step
After backup of Data Application rewrites the Data (Rewriting happens in Three Phases).
Ist :- On re-writing the data application imports the Statutory Masters
2nd :- After import of Statutory Masters, application Migrates the Tally 9 data to Tally.ERP 9 data structure
3rd :-If all the above three steps are successfully complete then the application allows the user to continue (to record the transactions).
In case of any error
If Tally.ERP 9 does not complete above three face , then tally.erp 9 shows warning
Warning! Message with the information needed to correct the failed vouchers.
Third Step
Steps to Migrate Failed vouchers
First, view the Un-migrated vouchers report. To view the un-migrated vouchers in Tally.ERP 9 users can:
Gateway of Tally >> Display > Statutory Reports >> TDS Reports >> Exception Reports >> Migrate Tool >> Track Migrate Vouchers
Track Migrate Vouchers report displays Party-wise Total, Migrated and Un-migrated vouchers.
From this screen, select the party to check the reasons for non-migration and correct the vouchers to migrate.
Steps for Migrating TDS Data from Tally 9 to Tally.ERP 9
First Step
You need not take this step , if you are both tally 9 and tally.erp 9 are using , when you open tally.erp 9 , tally automatically asks you for Rewrite of Data. Press Enter or Y to Rewrite Version. On pressing enter Application asks for the backup of data before rewrite.
Second Step
After backup of Data Application rewrites the Data (Rewriting happens in Three Phases).
Ist :- On re-writing the data application imports the Statutory Masters
2nd :- After import of Statutory Masters, application Migrates the Tally 9 data to Tally.ERP 9 data structure
3rd :-If all the above three steps are successfully complete then the application allows the user to continue (to record the transactions).
In case of any error
If Tally.ERP 9 does not complete above three face , then tally.erp 9 shows warning
Warning! Message with the information needed to correct the failed vouchers.
Third Step
Steps to Migrate Failed vouchers
First, view the Un-migrated vouchers report. To view the un-migrated vouchers in Tally.ERP 9 users can:
Gateway of Tally >> Display > Statutory Reports >> TDS Reports >> Exception Reports >> Migrate Tool >> Track Migrate Vouchers
Track Migrate Vouchers report displays Party-wise Total, Migrated and Un-migrated vouchers.
From this screen, select the party to check the reasons for non-migration and correct the vouchers to migrate.