When the examination starts , stress of examination can be identified from the face of students . In the age of competition, it is true that student has to perform best in examination . If we talk about Indian examinations , then stress is more because our education system pressures on students to clear exam. with in 3 hours binding in examination hall . What overall knowledge increased is not checked by this system. For reducing , stress first of changing education system of India is must .
If we can not change the system or if it is no problem in other country , then we have to know what is wrong with student ?
The following question can tell to you that your child is under depression due the stress of examination .
- Does your child sleep perfectly in exam. days ?
- Does your child feel tired in exam. days ?
- Does your child feel weakness specially in exam. days ?
- Does your child feel angry in behaviour ?
- Does your child feel headache in exam. days ?
If answer is yes , then it means your child is under depression and as the parent , it is your first duty to reduce the stress of examination . The following tips will be helpful for you to reduce the stress .
- It is the duty of parent to check whole year whether your child is studying . Fix the time of watching TV and Internet and computer . In window 7 , a new option can be used for fixation time after that time computer will automatically turn off. Parent can Control monitor from children's use of websites, games, or the amount of time they spend online. see video on youtube .
- Student should do yoga and other physical exercise daily for getting freshness . It will surely help to reduce the stress .
- Listening of good music , song is also very helpful for reducing stress.
- It is also duty of student to prepare subject whole year and make necessary notes for preparation of examination. It will be helpful to reduce the burdon of subjects .
- Make strict time table for remembering each and every topic relating to your exams.
- Students should eat the best food for getting active physical and mental power .
- Teachers can also contribute major role by changing teaching technique . It should in such a way that after attending class , all topic should totally clear to student after this he will not take stress of examination.
- From time to time , students should read the biography of great and inspiring personalities who have done great work after studing high level . Study material , you can easily obtain from net .
- Student can increase creativity in examination days by changing layout of study room or by study in park or your own garden or kichen garden .
- Become positive and more positive . Try and try with hard work because , a person who try will never fail .