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100 Things I've learned from Accounting Education

First time, I have taken admission in 1996 in 10+1 commerce. In this class, I learnt basic things of accounting subject which I had used in my post graduation in commerce. I am learning and working in this field more than 12 years. Because, Accounting is my favorite subject in commerce and therefore I have selected this field for my career. I have learnt many things from this education which I am telling you in “100 things I’ve learnt from accounting education”.

1. With accounting education, first of all, I started to maintain my personal income and expenditure accounts.
2. To calculate after each task due to this education and it had helped me to reduce my personal expenses.
3. With this education, I also enlightened how to measure the efficiency of a company.
4. I can discover where accountants can commit fraud.
5. How to use mathematics in business effectively?
6. In college time, when balance sheet was not tally, then after try, I would find how to tally it. With this mental exercise, I felt accounting nice and same time I had spent good time.
7. Rectification of errors.
8. To reduce the cost.
9. To comments on financial reports.
10. To audit the accounts. Once, I was learning practical system of auditing under CA for learning auditing. I went to audit the accounts of a reputed public school and searched 10 accounting mistakes of school accountant relating to journal entries and depositing employee’s provident fund to govt. account. After I asked about these mistakes and accountant accepted his mistakes.
11. To face difficulties.
12. Not to do wrong things and believe in god and fear from him that he is the big accountant and 24 hours, he is tracking me for keeping my proper accounts. We can not escape from his accounting treatment.
13. To make good plan.
14. To evaluate work periodically.
15. To understand responsibility.
16. While, I am making accounts, I seem that I am doing very important work of world.
17. Be quiet.
18. To think deeply.
19. In accounting, one rupee’s mistake is considered equally to one crore rupees. I do not believe in a concept which is objectively false.
20. Read more than one book.
21. All those problems which could not solve in accounting, try to resolve by practical in real life.
22. To measure the quantity, price and value of different products of different companies.
23. Nature of accounts
24. Features of accounts
25. Concentration
26. To check the financial statements before giving donation to any NGO.
27. I have learnt why, how and how to.
28. Ways to succeed in life.
29. To teach the subject that today everyone is interested.
30. Equally important to keep the accounts as trade.
31. Accounting reports acts as the marketing tool.
32. Why does business fail even after earning of profits?
33. What is window dressing?
34. How to trade on equity?
35. How to purchase good asset? – Capital budgeting.
36. How to protect business from over gearing and under gearing?
37. What is ROI? How can achieve it? How to maximize it?
38. To compare
39. Cause and Effect
40. Effective utilization of resources.
41. To divide properly profits of company into reserves, dividends and taxes.
42. Accounting is service like social service.
43. To find hole relating to accounting fraud – forensic accounting
44. To complete work on time.
45. I knew basics of social accounting.
46. To reduce the tax
47. Analyze the earning on the ploughing back of profits.
48. Increase the finance knowledge
49. To take steps forward from accounting education to educational psychology.
50. Adjustments, Adjustments, Adjustments….
51. To stay long time.
52. To do work step by step basis.
53. To become practical in life.
54. To write blog, and discuss in blogsphare.
55. To solve the problems of online readers.
56. To make online database in Google Docs.
57. To make Accounting Presentations.
58. To write article.
59. To establish the relationship.
60. Discipline.
61. To hold the pulse of business.
62. Friendship with Google.
63. Friendship with Tally.
64. Friendship with world.
65. Working Capital and its importance in management.
66. To hate the negligence.
67. Be happy on fault recovery.
68. To solve difficult practical questions first in examination.
69. Double checking.
70. Editing.
71. To identify myself.
72. To stand on my foot.
73. GAAP which were difficult to learn for me and I made simplified.
74. To know the importance of reconciliation of bank statements, accounts receivables and accounts payables.
75. To make accurate payroll report.
76. To keep an eye on budget.
77. To become professor.
78. To improve my English. It is my second language.
79. To learn computer and basics of Information Technology
80. To make the Video of Accounting Tutorials.
81. To study Indian laws.
82. To help commerce students for making career in accounting.
83. No Accountant of world is perfect in accounting.
84. Historical Intelligence is also very important.
85. To do something new instead of maintaining accounts.
86. To argue relating to solution of accounting problem.
87. To become troubleshooter.
88. To investigate.
89. I accepted uncertainty of accounting solution as blessing.
90. I learnt also taking fast decisions in this field.
91. It has not only opened new doors for me but also gave me new idea to enter.
92. It is possible for accountant to say me thanks when next day, I will open my email account.
93. It taught me basic things to record the books of other countries.
94. Computer accounting is easy than manual accounting.
95. Making the accounts in excel & Tally.
96. I succeeded to solve the problems of UK, Singapore, UAE, Africa and USA.
97. Achieved specialization in investment and multicurrency and goodwill accounting.
98. To learn more and more new but advance.
99. Learning from experienced accountant is very necessary to become perfect in accounting.
100. Accounting is repository of knowledge. If I have learned from accounting education. It means I have learned some mathematics, economics, business study, management, company laws and sociology because there is strong coordination between accounting and other fields of education.

After 100 things I’ve learned from accounting education but still I have to learn next 100 things. Wait, I will share with you.


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Accounting Education: 100 Things I've learned from Accounting Education
100 Things I've learned from Accounting Education
Accounting Education
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