Saving refers not to consume all earning and keep some part of it in bank or in home or in business, so that it can be used for emergency time. Saving is good habit of life and it is very important for progress of company. In company business, all provisions, reserves and funds are the methods of saving. It is also important in personal life. In personal life, sometime, you need money, if you had saved in past, then you can use that saving in this situation. All wise person’s advice to save money. If you have started saving, you are so Intelligent.
In beginning, when you start saving, it will be difficult for you to save from your routine expenses. But, you can save by reducing your unnecessary expenses. You can save very small amount on monthly basis. After this you can increase your saving. If you have invested it in good business, then you can earn high interest with your principle amount.
Now, question is raised, how to save money? First of all, we have to determine the aim of saving. Aim tells you, why are you saving? How much amount, are you needed? How to manage this amount? Suppose, you have aim to make your own house, to purchase your own vehicle or to establish your own business, for fulfilling all these aims, you need money and money can only comes from saving. For achieving high objectives, you need big money. If time is very less, then it may be bigger. So, before fixing your aim, check you’re earning capability. If you have to buy your own home in next year, you need to save higher proportion of your monthly earning. Otherwise, you can save 5% to 10% of your monthly income.
Next step is to reduce your unnecessary expenses. Suppose, you’re all family members have their own car and they have to go in same destination. Then, you and your family can use one car for reducing petrol expenses. Reducing of one dollar means saving of one dollar. If you have internet connection with high speed, you can make it as entertainment media and cut out cable expenses for reducing your expenses. Like these, there are large numbers of superfluous expenses which you can reduce by tracking your daily expenses. For this you can use your notebook or ms excel sheet in which you can record your daily expenses and after week, you can check it and you will find that some of them are useless and excess. So, avoid these expenses for increasing the amount of saving.