I have received one email from one of the subscribers of Accounting Education. He expresses his views and motivates me by his motivating message. As the author of Accounting Education, I can say that your love for me is my real reward. I need nothing from you. I am Indian teacher and a true India teacher is called Guru who teaches his students without any fees or material rewards. By writing accounting education, I feel that I am teaching the world like Indian Guru in my small room. My small office, you can see in following picture from where I write Accounting Education.

I feel happy that you are interested in learning. Your given time to read my blog is real return for my hard work and I want to take promise from you that after getting education, you have to education to other illiterate persons like one burning candle burns lakhs of candles.
Dear, I do not know the world, what they want. In this world, greed is never satisfied. By writing, accounting education, I try to save myself from the evils of the world. I am also student and I am learning also. Before teaching you, I am teaching myself. This the slogan of my site Excel Yourself. We have to do competition with ourselves. We have to fight with ourselves. Who can defeat us in the field of knowledge and education, if you have decided to run and defeat your weakness?
I can give you a simple example. Suppose, you are in the fifth standard class. You have obtained 80% and you should think that why you didn’t get 100% marks. What is the weak point? After this, you will sure better and your marks will be 100% in 6th class. Same position is for me. I want to know everything about my field. I want to teach everything in my field. I want to learn everything about me. That is the reason; I am continuously writing Accounting Education since 19th Jan. 2010 when I had written my first post of Accounting Education. In last, I can say only if my education, my experience and my given time will be helpful to solve your problem, it is my fees from you for your service.
Your servant
Vinod Kumar
Read Subscriber's original message for me which he sent to me at vinod@svtuition.org
Everyday we anxiously wait for your accounting Article and love to read it in the first hour of the morning. You are doing an excellent service to the humanity and we all appreciate your sincerity and dedication. In
this selfish world, even the blood relation don't care for each other and your "thinking" of helping people without any expectation is beyond anybody's imagination.
We all sincerely pray GOD to give you enough strength and courage to carry on these activities for ever with the same spirit.
by Harikrishnan GT ( Subscriber of Accounting Education)
I feel happy that you are interested in learning. Your given time to read my blog is real return for my hard work and I want to take promise from you that after getting education, you have to education to other illiterate persons like one burning candle burns lakhs of candles.
Dear, I do not know the world, what they want. In this world, greed is never satisfied. By writing, accounting education, I try to save myself from the evils of the world. I am also student and I am learning also. Before teaching you, I am teaching myself. This the slogan of my site Excel Yourself. We have to do competition with ourselves. We have to fight with ourselves. Who can defeat us in the field of knowledge and education, if you have decided to run and defeat your weakness?
I can give you a simple example. Suppose, you are in the fifth standard class. You have obtained 80% and you should think that why you didn’t get 100% marks. What is the weak point? After this, you will sure better and your marks will be 100% in 6th class. Same position is for me. I want to know everything about my field. I want to teach everything in my field. I want to learn everything about me. That is the reason; I am continuously writing Accounting Education since 19th Jan. 2010 when I had written my first post of Accounting Education. In last, I can say only if my education, my experience and my given time will be helpful to solve your problem, it is my fees from you for your service.
Your servant
Vinod Kumar
Read Subscriber's original message for me which he sent to me at vinod@svtuition.org
Everyday we anxiously wait for your accounting Article and love to read it in the first hour of the morning. You are doing an excellent service to the humanity and we all appreciate your sincerity and dedication. In
this selfish world, even the blood relation don't care for each other and your "thinking" of helping people without any expectation is beyond anybody's imagination.
We all sincerely pray GOD to give you enough strength and courage to carry on these activities for ever with the same spirit.
by Harikrishnan GT ( Subscriber of Accounting Education)