Following is the sample, what are being discussed today online conference with my students with me.
Conferencing on Google Talk
Prof: hallo
hareshgursahani: yes hello
Prof: hallo hareshgursahani
hareshgursahani: yes
Prof: how are you dear
hareshgursahani: good and you
Prof: have you any problem
hareshgursahani: i do not understand. problem in what perspective??
Prof: Actually, today I have started special live help to students of my blog accounting education
hareshgursahani: i c
i wanted the soft copy of the tally manual. any chance to get from your side?
Prof: Dear, Actually I also download educational version from tally company site
hareshgursahani: is there any site where I could get the tally manual. since u are in this industry, can you help?
Prof: Dear, when I have download tally software, I have also obtain tally.erp 9 guidance manual, you can also try and I how you can see the manual link. But if you see special thing , google search is better
hareshgursahani: boss... why don’t you just email it to me... I have google search for some time, and i could find this manual anywhere. I am using version 9.2. However any version of the manual will be ok
Prof: Ok dear, I will search my blog and I will sure it in your email but please wait
hareshgursahani: ok thanks. much appreciate
keep in touch
Prof: ok, have any other problem
hareshgursahani: none so far
will connect with you
much appreciate your proactive help
keep writing on email
Prof: thanks
Conferencing on Yahoo Messenger
we purchase the recharge coupon from dealer on commission basis and sell it so, how to maintain this transaction
dear who are you and from where
if we want only to take commission as income so, what can to do in day book and what about stock
i am a naresh joshi from deesa - north gujarat and i posses a only recharge coupan retail shop
plz reply
Ok, like this problem, I have already solve in but if you want to know more about this then i can tell you that you have to pass sale purchase entry in day book , if you are independent. But you are not independent, you can pass only commission earning and left all inventory work in excel
have you any other problem
if i pass the sale and purchase entry in day book then the transaction will be more than 50 lacks that's the problem.
we just earn commission of rs 1 to 1.5 lacks on this turn over yearly , so any other sales tax , vat or tds or audit of books is applicable or not
plz reply
Dear, all but we see also amount of turnover in audit
but if i can take only the commission income in books what can i do
Do, nothing, If your business nature is as agency and if you have contracted, then if you worked under terms and pass the entries of earning and showing your other expenses don't worry except god
i just want to know that can i do this:- when i purchase i just take the amount of commission as income nothing as purchase and nothing as sale can it possible? and maintain inventory or daily sale on rough paper
No, dear because tomorrow, your consignor can ask the copy of proper record. So, please keep it secure and maintain properly
i purchase from dealer appointed by service provider like vodafone, bsnl, airtel not from directly to the service provider, the nature of business is only retail shop
ok, I think you are getting stock from direct service provider. But still I will you that you should keep record