Few weeks ago, a financial company came to my home. It offered me some investment plans. They knew my home address from one of my old friend. I was not interested to invest. Due to my nature, I asked its plan and after studied, I found that these marketing guys are operating limited partnership and they created private equity fund and encourage people to invest in these fund by showing high return on this investment. Even, their company is neither registered under Indian company Act nor its shares are listed in any stock exchange in India. They collect money from private and personal network and then they invest either in stock market or commodity market and give share to the investors of private equity. So, we can simply say that private equity is just investment in limited partnership firms. Many countries allow investor to invest in private equity. They create venture capital or growth capital fund and any body can buy the share after paying its price.
Private Equity in India
You can see large number of limited partnership in India. They accept cash as private equity. Simple search on google by “writing private equity in India”, you can see millions limited partnerships who offer this fund in which you can invest. I have opened the sites of BPEPindia.com, iciciventure.com and some other sites and read their written contents. After reading, I can explain you that all these organization gets money from public and invest in information technology, media, manufacturing, logistics, textiles and real estate. No control , no regulation, just funda of trading on equity!
Asian private equity opportunities
Pak-Seng Lai, Asia managing director at Auda International LP, talks with Bloomberg's Bernard Lo about investment opportunities in China. Lai also discusses the outlook for the private equity industry. Link
According to Auda," Asian private equity investment has reach $ 4 billion in India and it is estimated that it will grow more from this point"
Private Equity in India
You can see large number of limited partnership in India. They accept cash as private equity. Simple search on google by “writing private equity in India”, you can see millions limited partnerships who offer this fund in which you can invest. I have opened the sites of BPEPindia.com, iciciventure.com and some other sites and read their written contents. After reading, I can explain you that all these organization gets money from public and invest in information technology, media, manufacturing, logistics, textiles and real estate. No control , no regulation, just funda of trading on equity!
Asian private equity opportunities
Pak-Seng Lai, Asia managing director at Auda International LP, talks with Bloomberg's Bernard Lo about investment opportunities in China. Lai also discusses the outlook for the private equity industry. Link
According to Auda," Asian private equity investment has reach $ 4 billion in India and it is estimated that it will grow more from this point"