Digital Inspiration's famous category is India in which you can find very useful information relating to India Inc. and development of Finance in India.
It has about 540 articles up to this date. You can read about India Inc. section in the profile Shri Amit Agarwal.
1. Get pampered by Starwood’s “Luxury Collection” on Indian shores
It was published in 17 May 2007. In this article, you can read ITC ( one of India's foremost private sector companies ) strategy to win the competition in the field of food and hotel business marketing. ITCare was dealing with other companies for completing the hotels and rising income from this business.
2. Foreign brokerage to prowl on Sharekhan’s lion
In this content, you can study that India broker marketing is becoming the hard place of competition. Now you can see many players like, and many more. So, investors of India can take the benefit of this competition by getting quality research reports at cheap brokerage rates.
3. Adlabs raps up Rave, aims to capture every Indian eyeball
You can read Adlabs (Reliance MediaWorks Limited) Film Company's future planning in above article. It wants to open theatre malls in every city of India where public can watch Hollywood and Bollywood movies. Update : In May 2009, the Company established business process outsourcing operations for the media space. In January 2010, the Company acquired the assets of ilab UK Ltd.
4. Will Bajaj reward its shareholders in the grand Reliance way?
From its title, you can think that the story may be relating to the distribution of profit of Bajaj company, but, you will find something different what are you thinking. Actually this story is relating to the Bajaj company's investor's expectations on takeover three companies by Bajaj in 2007 but Bajaj was more concerned to use the gain from demerging on internal growth.
5. To buy cheap, spend on security
This is very interesting story and related to attack on Reliance Fresh Stores in Ranchi. Now, all retail companies want to sell at cheap rate to those consumer who will not complain for any mishappening in malls and shops.
6. After 3D, now smell and interact in 6D movie
You can get knowledge about what is 6D movie and how can Indian student can get edutainment because Adlabs Company had launched this type of cinema in Agra. Really, content has been designed for education and entertainment for students.
7. Rising Rupee, Falling Dollar – Zero Sum Game?
This article is very helpful to understand the effect of rising pricing and it persuaded the benefits and disadvantages. The ending words ("For India, exports leads to employment, and export led companies may be forced to take a tight hand in their expansion plans due to decrease in expected earnings, which may be a bad signal for the growth-led image of the country.") are very logical.
8. Aditya Birla Group joins retail bandwagon – calls it ‘More’
In this content, you can not only read the the planning and projects of Aditya Group but you can know the Ado in retail market and retain companies. One side, Reliance started Fresh stores and flip side, you can read the planning of Aditya Birla Group.
9. Bitten by financial fraud, call Forensic Accountant
you can read the importance and general introduction of Forensic Accounting and accountant in above content.
10. The Global Indian Takeover – Vijay Mallya joins the list
In this content, you can the progress of Indian businessman Vijay Mallya who is the chairman of Kingfisher Airlines. In the India corporate sector, he has become the ‘Richard Branson’ of India.
You can read all contents of India Inc. at here. One more important thing is that Amit's latest venture - India Inc. was mentioned as one of the best business blogs in India by Times UK.
It has about 540 articles up to this date. You can read about India Inc. section in the profile Shri Amit Agarwal.
The India Inc. section of Digital Inspiration tracks the latest happenings at India Inc. Our main focus is on current events and issues in Indian Inc. taking alongside an analysis of the historical perspective and future scenario.Anurag, the author of India Inc., is a professional financial analyst with interests in Investment Analysis, Corporate Finance and Portfolio Management. He holds an MBA degree and Masters in Finance & Investment from University of Exeter, UK.Today, I have read some of old Articles of this section and discuss about you what are special in these articles.
1. Get pampered by Starwood’s “Luxury Collection” on Indian shores
It was published in 17 May 2007. In this article, you can read ITC ( one of India's foremost private sector companies ) strategy to win the competition in the field of food and hotel business marketing. ITC
2. Foreign brokerage to prowl on Sharekhan’s lion
In this content, you can study that India broker marketing is becoming the hard place of competition. Now you can see many players like, and many more. So, investors of India can take the benefit of this competition by getting quality research reports at cheap brokerage rates.
3. Adlabs raps up Rave, aims to capture every Indian eyeball
You can read Adlabs (Reliance MediaWorks Limited) Film Company's future planning in above article. It wants to open theatre malls in every city of India where public can watch Hollywood and Bollywood movies. Update : In May 2009, the Company established business process outsourcing operations for the media space. In January 2010, the Company acquired the assets of ilab UK Ltd.
4. Will Bajaj reward its shareholders in the grand Reliance way?
From its title, you can think that the story may be relating to the distribution of profit of Bajaj company, but, you will find something different what are you thinking. Actually this story is relating to the Bajaj company's investor's expectations on takeover three companies by Bajaj in 2007 but Bajaj was more concerned to use the gain from demerging on internal growth.
5. To buy cheap, spend on security
This is very interesting story and related to attack on Reliance Fresh Stores in Ranchi. Now, all retail companies want to sell at cheap rate to those consumer who will not complain for any mishappening in malls and shops.
6. After 3D, now smell and interact in 6D movie
You can get knowledge about what is 6D movie and how can Indian student can get edutainment because Adlabs Company had launched this type of cinema in Agra. Really, content has been designed for education and entertainment for students.
7. Rising Rupee, Falling Dollar – Zero Sum Game?
This article is very helpful to understand the effect of rising pricing and it persuaded the benefits and disadvantages. The ending words ("For India, exports leads to employment, and export led companies may be forced to take a tight hand in their expansion plans due to decrease in expected earnings, which may be a bad signal for the growth-led image of the country.") are very logical.
8. Aditya Birla Group joins retail bandwagon – calls it ‘More’
In this content, you can not only read the the planning and projects of Aditya Group but you can know the Ado in retail market and retain companies. One side, Reliance started Fresh stores and flip side, you can read the planning of Aditya Birla Group.
9. Bitten by financial fraud, call Forensic Accountant
you can read the importance and general introduction of Forensic Accounting and accountant in above content.
10. The Global Indian Takeover – Vijay Mallya joins the list
In this content, you can the progress of Indian businessman Vijay Mallya who is the chairman of Kingfisher Airlines. In the India corporate sector, he has become the ‘Richard Branson’ of India.
You can read all contents of India Inc. at here. One more important thing is that Amit's latest venture - India Inc. was mentioned as one of the best business blogs in India by Times UK.