This is the question which was asked by Ravi Daniel and he said
" It is not fair when 84 crores Indians earn less than 20 rupees per day. You can even send missions successfully to Mars too by begging billions of loan from all other countries, world bank etc. Before that you should provide a minimum guaranteed life to poor Indians. It is not good for wasting tax payers money in many ways (Yesterday's failure mission) when 84 crore indian are begging for one time food.
and its best Answer has been given by Supertra
It is fair when government spend money on space research but it is not fair when government spends lots of money on silly cricket, bollywood & other things.
According to My view
I hope, "One day, it may possible that 84 crores of Indians will earn Rs. 10,000 per day with new invention of space research. So, dear be positive. My field is teaching and education. I think, research is power of teacher to invent any new thing. With this invention, standard of living of poor people will be high.
" It is not fair when 84 crores Indians earn less than 20 rupees per day. You can even send missions successfully to Mars too by begging billions of loan from all other countries, world bank etc. Before that you should provide a minimum guaranteed life to poor Indians. It is not good for wasting tax payers money in many ways (Yesterday's failure mission) when 84 crore indian are begging for one time food.
and its best Answer has been given by Supertra
It is fair when government spend money on space research but it is not fair when government spends lots of money on silly cricket, bollywood & other things.
According to My view
Supertra is saying correct. Money which is spent on science and research by Government is not wastage of money. Space research is also research of space science. It is fully connected with the welfare of human being. Large number of people are making their living from space research. Large number of natural estimations are given on the basis of space research. With this, we can save with many mishappenings. So, I also say , it is necessary to pay for space research, even 84 crores of Indians are earning Rs. 20 per day. But Government of Indian must not waste their money on corrupted ministers, Cricket, production of dinkings.
Budget of BCCI is more than total expenditure of space research. I also think, it is the part of education, so like promoting other education. Govt. of India must promote space research. Only After, Kalpana Chawla and other Indian Scientist can get space education in India and no need to go USA and they can contribute in the development of India. With this, we can save our human capital from flying outside research in space.
I hope, "One day, it may possible that 84 crores of Indians will earn Rs. 10,000 per day with new invention of space research. So, dear be positive. My field is teaching and education. I think, research is power of teacher to invent any new thing. With this invention, standard of living of poor people will be high.