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My Google Account Disabled But Restored within One Minute

My Google account was disabled recently but I could establish my identity by writing verification code through my mobile, Google restored access in the next one minute. Thank you Google. Here are lessons learned and tips that might prevent your Google Accounts from getting disabled.

Today, when I have opened my Google account and I found my Google account disabled  by following information.

" Google Accounts: I'm getting a message that says 'Sorry, your account has been disabled.'
I found one another link where I have written verification code which I got on my mobile and Google restored access in then next one minute.

After happening  this event, I felt shocked because now all my private information GMail, google apps, site was not under my control. It is the my way to make a living by writing this blog. My life runs through that account, but if Google account was disabled due to any reason  and else takes control of the site, it may be tough time for getting it restored.

How the Google Accounts were disabled and recovered?

Main Reason of  disabling the Google Account

1. Violation of Google Terms of Service

All the online publishers who have google account should accept and follow the Google TOS. In most cases, accounts are disabled because of a perceived violation of either the Google Terms of Service or product-specific Terms of Service.

Google reserves the right to:

•Suspend a Google Account from using a particular product or the entire Google Accounts system if the Terms of Service or product-specific policies are violated.

•Terminate your account at any time, for any reason, with or without notice.

 But I seriously follow the rules and regulation of TOS of google. So, I think, my Google account was not disabled due to this reason.

2. Suspicious Activity on Your Google Account

I think google is not only good partner but also good friend of every online publisher. If Google officers see any suspicious activity on your Google account, then google account may be disabled temporary basis. It's part of Google efforts to help prevent unauthorized access to account.

In Gmail forum, Google Employee, Michelle said,

" For those of you seeing this message more than once, it's possible that your account is being repeatedly compromised. Typically, this occurs when a keylogger or other malware is installed on your computer. We strongly recommend scanning any computer you use to access Gmail for malware and updating your anti-virus software.

Additionally, if you enter your original password as your new password, you may trigger the error message. Create an entirely new password the next time you sign in. For assistance with securing your account and choosing a good password.

I think,  this happened  in my case and I couldn’t login my google account. You can also take the example of Mrinal Wadhwa like me.

3. Due to Hacking of Google Account

Google account may be disabled, google employees know that google account has been hacked by criminal hackers. You can check out Amit Agarwal's google account's hacking example. I think, this did not happened in my case. But, I can not deny any online vulnerabilities which are the causes for happening this event.I use strong password so it can be tough for someone to guess. I also know the benefits of strong passwords.

4.  Research of Knowing More Reasons behind this

I am searching many other reasons behind this. For this, I am posting same question on my forums like Gmail Help Forum, Digital Inspiration Forum    and many others and I will soon write updates the tips if I will get any other new information regarding why a certain problem occurred.

Recovering of Google Account within One Minute

As soon as I discovered that the account was disabled, I verified my identity via SMS. I consider myself lucky because my Google account was finally restored with in one minute. Again Thanks Google.


: 5
  1. i have my account disabled for several weeks now and this didn't help. In fact nothing helps. Google seems to have too many users now and is expelling them out.

  2. My Official Google Account Disabled Am Very Sad 😢

  3. 😭😭😭 iam very sad

  4. google couldn't verify this account belongs to you

    My Google Account

    gmail- Rg977513@gmail.com


  5. Hello everyone so my gmail account also got disabled I almost cried out my eye balls, not until I came in contact with a recovery agent SNAP_RESTORE on Instagram he helped reactivated my account he's legit and reliable

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Accounting Education: My Google Account Disabled But Restored within One Minute
My Google Account Disabled But Restored within One Minute
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