Motivation is the main source of learning. Teaching is only to motivate the students. When students get motivation from teacher, they can do any difficult work of the world. First of all teacher identifies the interest of student. After this, he encourages the student to do best in that. For successful learning process, it is very necessary to motivate the students.
a) I succeeded to remove the gap between teacher and student. By becoming the friend of student, I want to bring revolution in the field of teaching and education. If teacher ignores importance of students, he can not teach what he want to teach. Some teacher may think that friendship of students can grow the indiscipline in students. But, I am anti of this thinking. I think, If you you are the master of his subject and if you studied all the topics deeply and seriously in your college time and If you have power to solve all the problems, there is no doubt that your friendship with your students will bring gorgeous result.
b) By creating friendship, my aim is to create enjoyable environment of learning. I can make a comic picture for giving some practical examples.
I do not know how other teachers motivate their students. But I can tell you how do I motivate my students online and offline for teaching something new in classroom.
1. When I go to my classroom, I say to my students, " Dear, I want to become a teacher who is the best friend of students. So, in this class room, you have all powers same as I have. Like a friend, you can share your problem with me. I also want to tell you that I am also special type of student. My aim of life is to learn something new daily. I have also come here to learn something new because teaching is my way to learn from students."
Above few words which I discuss with my students, is my initial motivation to my students. I always got good response from my students. I checked the changes in the behavior of my students which I can express in following lines.
a) I succeeded to remove the gap between teacher and student. By becoming the friend of student, I want to bring revolution in the field of teaching and education. If teacher ignores importance of students, he can not teach what he want to teach. Some teacher may think that friendship of students can grow the indiscipline in students. But, I am anti of this thinking. I think, If you you are the master of his subject and if you studied all the topics deeply and seriously in your college time and If you have power to solve all the problems, there is no doubt that your friendship with your students will bring gorgeous result.
b) By creating friendship, my aim is to create enjoyable environment of learning. I can make a comic picture for giving some practical examples.
2. I always motivate my students to write original words after studying the book. I never failed any student because, I think, it is just to discourage the students.
3. I believe in the active participation of my students. As a teacher, you have power to create the environment of creativity. You can write some objective type question on the online document which you can make in google docs and after this, you can invite all your online classroom students to answer it by editing it. I am sure, your students will be happy and accept this challenge of creativity and you will surely succeed to give education to your students. By doing this, you are giving the opportunity to your students to answer. All these things will be helpful for your students to learn.
4. I think your motivation is the best reward for your student. Your genuine love for your students will be profitable for increasing the confidence in your students. They never feel learning a difficult process. Instead leaving the difficult topics, they will learn to fight with all tough concepts in this learning process.
5. I also get inspiration from Vinobha bhave's motivational theory of education.
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3. I believe in the active participation of my students. As a teacher, you have power to create the environment of creativity. You can write some objective type question on the online document which you can make in google docs and after this, you can invite all your online classroom students to answer it by editing it. I am sure, your students will be happy and accept this challenge of creativity and you will surely succeed to give education to your students. By doing this, you are giving the opportunity to your students to answer. All these things will be helpful for your students to learn.
4. I think your motivation is the best reward for your student. Your genuine love for your students will be profitable for increasing the confidence in your students. They never feel learning a difficult process. Instead leaving the difficult topics, they will learn to fight with all tough concepts in this learning process.
5. I also get inspiration from Vinobha bhave's motivational theory of education.
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