I already told you that Mr. Nikesh Arora is the President - Global Sales Operations and Business Development of Google Inc. Very few persons know that he is also good lecturer. Even, he is specialize of marketing field, but I always enjoy to watch his lecture on YouTube. By watching his first lecture on the future of Internet and google in e-commerce and finance, I learned many new things.
Today, I again, I watched his lecture which he gave lecture on the topic "Changing marketing at the Marketing Society Annual Conference in London". Here, I am sharing what I have learned from this lecture.
1. His style of teaching is best. He starts his lecture by asking some important question. I think this is good way to create the interest in the students. When we ask some questions from students, students encourages to the answer the question. This is good way to motivate the students for learning.
In this lecture Nikesh started his lecture by asking following question
- How many have my space or any kind of blogging account?
- How many have instant messaging account?
- How many have more than 50 friends on instant messaging account?
- How many have more than 100 friends on instant messaging account?
Mr. Nikesh said, " Internet has changed the life of everybody. Now, consumer is consuming new and new technology online. With in 10 years, we have seen many new product business. One of best product is mobile which is made by several mobile companies and also in which I had started my career."
He also said." More than 1.2 billion people are on the Internet. 10 years ago, there was not possible that people could connect with each other on the global place on the same need. If we will have to come on the fact, we will wonder that these more than 1.2 billion people are making 5th largest country without any physical existence. They also creating demand and three basic brand are satisfying them. One is eBay, second is Amazon and third is Google. On the other side, people are busy for getting information on the net and on the mobile by discussing other peoples. They talk about 600 minutes to 1800 minutes in month."
From his given data, I reviewed that commerce and finance's physical market will soon convert online. Businessmen is also easy to sell the products to constant partial attention society because the consumer will also be interested due to they want to become update in his work. So, they will buy the quality products through online. So, there is good possibility of development of business and finance through Internet.
You can see every a new consumer's opinion on the his purchased product on Internet. It means, it is possibility that next time, you will definitely check it before buying any financial product like shares, debentures, bonds, mutual funds or any other things. So, it will increase the quality of these products.