Today, I spent my time to enjoy the fun by learning painting. You can tell me from whom did I learn to make painting? I learnt to make painting from an expert painting teacher. I searched YouTube video for learning painting and found original elephant painting. After seeing the video in which an elephant was making the painting of elephant, I amazed at her talent and step by step learn how she completed the painting with each stroke. After this, I repeated this video and tried to make this painting in ms paint. I am honestly saying that this elephant has become my painting teacher.
I am also thinking to buy this elephant's painting by sending order for $ 19.95 as reward to her from .
I read that the survival of the Asian elephant species will most likely depend on the good treatment of the elephants in well managed privately owned elephant camps. All of us would prefer that all of the elephants be free to be in the wild. For many reasons, that is not possible at this time.
Fandorin72 user of YouTube said about this elephant in comment of this video
This is a female. She was rescued from Myanmar (Burma) and now became a very prominent painter in one of the open parks around Pattaya, Thailand (we saw the similar elephants around here recently). This one, though, enjoys drawing VERY much (just as much as she loves bananas and sugar).I am explaining many other things except painting what this elephant teach me as a painting teacher :
1. This elephant is saying me," Despite an animal, I can become expert in my field why are you becoming lazy. God has given you 2 hand and 2 legs which you do better than me but after crossing the age of 30 you are started to learn a,b,c of painting. This is very late. But, If you have interest in it you will also become an expert painter like me"
2. This elephant is also saying me, " I have only my long trunk, with this, I have made this painting. You can understand my hard work and practice. "Practice makes man perfect" saying does not only apply on human being but every thing. It applies on stone and it applies on me. So, do hard work daily. Dear, do practice everyday. This is single formula to become perfect in this life."
3. I also learned that Russian artists are known for teaching elephants to paint and chimpanzees to use cameras are spending spring semester at the University of California, Berkeley, instructing students about animal creativity, totalitarianism and underground
I felt that all animals like cow, horse, monkey, dogs, elephants and many others are very useful for human being. But due to selfish of human being we are misusing these gifts of God. Exploitation and killing of animals is big issue in India and other parts of world. All the wise teachers community should oppose this. I think, they are more intelligent than us. They are not greedy, lazy and haughty like us. We can learn to live in natural life, peace and many other things from the behavior of these animals.