We all will celebrate World Environment Day on 5th June, 2010. This day is very important to all human being. On this day, we can contribute to reduce pollution and also protect our environment. As accounting teacher and professional, I am taking important decisions on this day. I think, example is better than to give lecture to others. I think, if my following decisions are good, you will also follow them or you can also give any suggestion to me.
Ist Step
Less Use of Paper
When we use the paper, new tree is cut for production of that paper. As accounting professional, it is my prime duty to reduce this cutting because without this level of pure air will reduce in environment. I am taking following steps for this.
a) To start all accounting work on computer and online
After acquiring my second computer, I have enough store to keep all my document on the computer and I also know that many documents, I can easily keep on my online domain space. Accounting professionals should also leave their old thinking to keep record offline in papers because protection of environment is first and all other things should be rest.
b) To get E-bill
Today, I went to my Internet service provider and sign up to receive monthly e-bill statement in my email address vinod@svtuition.org instead of monthly paper. So, what are you waiting for? You also register for e-bill with your Internet service providers. Come and save trees.
2nd Step
To Conserve Water
I have started to bath in my kitchen garden for conserving water. I think, by bathing in my kitchen garden, my water will again go to earth directly.
3rd Step
To Plant new trees in my kitchen garden
From more than 15 years, I am maintaining my home's kitchen garden. In this garden, there are all varieties of trees and flower plants. I enjoy the voice of birds by listening their songs. I am also happy that I am spreading pure air in this world by doing this work. In this environment day on 5th June 2010, I am making plan to plant new trees in my kitchen garden.
4th Step
To protect electricity. Read these tips
5th Step
To buy Online
I am also starting to buy online. Nikesh Arora has given many benefits of online buying. One of them is that you will less use of your vehicle if you buy online. After this, you can contribute to save fuel, energy and environment. Main sources of air pollution are our vehicles. In 21 century, you need not go to outside to buy anything, just go to the site and clear the order to buy specific thing.
6th Step
To Write on Green Accounting
I am also making planning to write something on green accounting from 5th June 2010. Green accounting is the technique to show the cost of environmental factors in financial statements.
We all know that
Assets = owner's equity + other's equity
But We also convert our accounting formula according to new challenges
What has company gained in natural Assets = What are main environmental liabilities of company
Suppose, Company has 10,000 trees in all factories. This is the natural assets of company and it should compare with the natural liabilities of company.
and all other services for protect the environments.
a) How much tonnes does company produce carbon dioxide?
Ans. We should calculate its amount. It is natural liability of company to give remedy for same. Because, nature is not personal property of any company.
b) What is the amount of loss due to a company polluting water resources?
Ans. We should also measure this pollution and loss should be calculated and
After this final equation should be make
Natural Assets of Company = Natural Liabilities of Company or not.
Wikipedia says
Above is very small content which is written by wikipedia's contributor. This is good movement. If someone have more knowledge, he or she can also contribute in this.
Ist Step
Less Use of Paper
When we use the paper, new tree is cut for production of that paper. As accounting professional, it is my prime duty to reduce this cutting because without this level of pure air will reduce in environment. I am taking following steps for this.
a) To start all accounting work on computer and online
After acquiring my second computer, I have enough store to keep all my document on the computer and I also know that many documents, I can easily keep on my online domain space. Accounting professionals should also leave their old thinking to keep record offline in papers because protection of environment is first and all other things should be rest.
b) To get E-bill
Today, I went to my Internet service provider and sign up to receive monthly e-bill statement in my email address vinod@svtuition.org instead of monthly paper. So, what are you waiting for? You also register for e-bill with your Internet service providers. Come and save trees.
2nd Step
To Conserve Water
I have started to bath in my kitchen garden for conserving water. I think, by bathing in my kitchen garden, my water will again go to earth directly.
3rd Step
To Plant new trees in my kitchen garden
From more than 15 years, I am maintaining my home's kitchen garden. In this garden, there are all varieties of trees and flower plants. I enjoy the voice of birds by listening their songs. I am also happy that I am spreading pure air in this world by doing this work. In this environment day on 5th June 2010, I am making plan to plant new trees in my kitchen garden.
4th Step
To protect electricity. Read these tips
5th Step
To buy Online
I am also starting to buy online. Nikesh Arora has given many benefits of online buying. One of them is that you will less use of your vehicle if you buy online. After this, you can contribute to save fuel, energy and environment. Main sources of air pollution are our vehicles. In 21 century, you need not go to outside to buy anything, just go to the site and clear the order to buy specific thing.
6th Step
To Write on Green Accounting
I am also making planning to write something on green accounting from 5th June 2010. Green accounting is the technique to show the cost of environmental factors in financial statements.
We all know that
Assets = owner's equity + other's equity
But We also convert our accounting formula according to new challenges
What has company gained in natural Assets = What are main environmental liabilities of company
Suppose, Company has 10,000 trees in all factories. This is the natural assets of company and it should compare with the natural liabilities of company.
and all other services for protect the environments.
a) How much tonnes does company produce carbon dioxide?
Ans. We should calculate its amount. It is natural liability of company to give remedy for same. Because, nature is not personal property of any company.
b) What is the amount of loss due to a company polluting water resources?
Ans. We should also measure this pollution and loss should be calculated and
After this final equation should be make
Natural Assets of Company = Natural Liabilities of Company or not.
Wikipedia says
Green accounting is a type of accounting that attempts to factor environmental costs into the financial results of operations.* It has been argued that gross domestic product ignores the environment and therefore decision makers need a revised model that incorporates green accounting "green national accounting,".The term was first brought into common use by influential economist professor Peter Wood in the 80’s. It is a controversial practice however, since depletion is already factored into accounting for the extraction industries and the accounting for externalities may be arbitrary. Julian Lincoln Simon, a professor of business administration at the University of Maryland and a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute, argued that use of natural resources results in greater wealth, as evidenced by the falling prices over time of virtually all nonrenewable resources.
Above is very small content which is written by wikipedia's contributor. This is good movement. If someone have more knowledge, he or she can also contribute in this.