Education is just search and act upon the truth. But sometime, human being forgets the way after getting education. He feels that he knows everything. He is expert and prides on his knowledge and education. But true education teaches us the lesson of humility. When a tree is full of fruits, its branches fells down for showing humility. Higher weights always goes down. But some person who get the degree of MBBS, PhD, MBA and many others, never give the importance of humility as true education. But, when they realize this true education, there is no time rest to correct this mistake. So, all students and teachers include me should not pride of education, knowledge. But we all should bring humbleness in our daily life and when we behave other general personal.
True education clears our doubt by showing us day to day accidents in our daily life. One of example is death of lineman due to high electric shock who came today morning about 6.00 a.m. in our main street to repair the fault of open wires ( electrical). He did not switch off the main supply electric current and was electrocuted by 11,000 volts. I think, either he thought that he is expert and he can do without any safety and had climbed onto the roof of a reactor and touched the live electrical system and killed or it may be the mistake of other person who did not obey his order for switching off and this accident was done. After seeing his dead body, I got only one lesson that we should leave pride in our education, knowledge, it is just gift of god which we have been given for sharing with needy and helpless. By helping the needy, we can bring humility in our minds.
Related : Real Education for Life
True education clears our doubt by showing us day to day accidents in our daily life. One of example is death of lineman due to high electric shock who came today morning about 6.00 a.m. in our main street to repair the fault of open wires ( electrical). He did not switch off the main supply electric current and was electrocuted by 11,000 volts. I think, either he thought that he is expert and he can do without any safety and had climbed onto the roof of a reactor and touched the live electrical system and killed or it may be the mistake of other person who did not obey his order for switching off and this accident was done. After seeing his dead body, I got only one lesson that we should leave pride in our education, knowledge, it is just gift of god which we have been given for sharing with needy and helpless. By helping the needy, we can bring humility in our minds.
Related : Real Education for Life