After announcing Online Conference in Accounting Resource, we are happy to announce that next online conference will be on twitter. In this twitter conference, only Indian students can participate who have the problems in topic which will be discussed. Sorry for students outside India.
My Twitter ID is @svtuition2009
For asking questions relating to topic, you have to mention @svtuition2009 in twitter box and asking more by clicking reply on the answer of my question. Twitter is live. So, we can use it for conference. This will be my first experience.
Date of Twitter Conference : 14th Aug. 2010 ( Saturday)
Time of Conference : 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.
Topics : Head Topic Techniques of Material Control in Cost Accounting.
If you new in Twitter, learn from YouTube video the steps to use the Twitter.
Twitter in Simple English
Usages of Twitter in Educational Area
I recently read the wikipedia's page of twitter usage in Educational Area. From there, I inspired to use it for conference with Indian Students.
My Twitter ID is @svtuition2009
For asking questions relating to topic, you have to mention @svtuition2009 in twitter box and asking more by clicking reply on the answer of my question. Twitter is live. So, we can use it for conference. This will be my first experience.
Date of Twitter Conference : 14th Aug. 2010 ( Saturday)
Time of Conference : 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.
Topics : Head Topic Techniques of Material Control in Cost Accounting.
If you new in Twitter, learn from YouTube video the steps to use the Twitter.
Twitter in Simple English
Usages of Twitter in Educational Area
I recently read the wikipedia's page of twitter usage in Educational Area. From there, I inspired to use it for conference with Indian Students.
The Distance College of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, used Twitter with native Chinese students to train communicative and cultural competence. Students had to post a number of English tweets and react to the tweets of their fellow students. Twitter was viewed as a supplement to practice different aspects of the target language in authentic environment.
The University of Vienna, Austria, used Twitter as an evaluation platform for student ratings. Every student had to send a tweet after each course unit with feedback to the teacher. Twitter's simplicity and electronic data handling required small administrative effort and turned out to be "a useful tool for evaluating a course formatively".
At the University of Texas at Dallas, Twitter has been incorporated into the classroom setting of History courses with big groups of students. This allows more students to express their views in the class discussions and forces them to focus on the central point due to the character limit.
According to, Twitter is put on the new primary school curriculum. Children should be able to "organise and adjust" speaking and writing skills depending on the technology being used, including using "emails, messaging, wikis and twitters". During the primary years, children should also be taught to speak, write and broadcast using "blogs, podcasts, websites, email [and] video. Link