To teach blind children is challenging to all teachers who choose this profession under his special education specialization. There is no fix steps which can be followed but there are tips which will be useful to those teacher who have started to teach blind children.
1st Tip : Make Advance Learning Plan
Learning plan of blind children will be different from normal children because, they can not see and it means all plans like to show chart, to write on whiteboard and to show video tutorial will give no benefit in learning process. These children need touching and listening tutorials. So, before teaching blind children, teacher has to record the audio in such a way that it covers the need of learning what he wants to teach to blind children.
2nd Tip : Start Teaching with Music
Many researches on teaching of blind children and to teach them with music are giving better result. Suppose, you want to teach basics of accounting. You can teach it with background music. Music must be slow and will be meditative.
3rd Tip : To Help Physically For Exercising
For increasing the power of other parts of blind children, teachers should help blind children physically for exercising. In this exercise, teachers can move hand and legs of blind children. With this, they can better balance their body and they can also fulfil the weakness of blindness with other part's strength.
4th Tip : To Love Blind Children
Blind children need the love of teacher. When I taught in SOS children Village, a 5 years old girl brought by authorities from slum area. She had neither eyes to watch nor she can listen the voice. But only the love which was given by us, after 2 years, she started to feel other. I think, if we spend our time with such children and give them love and financial support in the form of donation, they can easily learn what we want to teach. They can only talk with us if they like us.
5th Tip : To Give Motivation and Reward
A blind child has no meaning of world because he can see only blackness. You should always give them motivation and reward when they give correct answer. Group discussion can provide better learning environment for blind children.
6th Tip : BBC Radio Teaching Way for Blind Children
BBC is live Radio 24 hrs, 7 days and 12 months. I liked it very much but it is good teaching way for blind children, if you open your laptop or computer and connect it with Internet. After this, you have to open and save it favorites of Internet explorers or bookmark it. Your blind children can learn everything from it means they can learn world economy news, history, science and current affairs. Even daily listening practice, they can become the perfect in English. They can use it in call centers.
7th Tip : To Teach Career and Vocational Courses to Blind Children
They can work as reporter, telephone operator, Speaker on Radio and customer care officer, if teacher will help to teach about them. Such children should also encourage to work on computer and its typing. Computer typing is skill and even a blind child can type more faster than a normal child. If you stand a single child on his foot, it means you are successful as teacher.
Even Blind child can expert for playing piano and with this, he can earn money.
8th Tip Learn Teaching Tricks From YouTube Non-profit activities
There are large number of social institute who are operating blind children schools and upload teaching and educational video in YouTube non-profit activities tag. By searching this tag, you can watch these videos and learn, how to teach blind children. One of video is given below in which you will see the training visually impaired students with additional disabilities. The School also provides vital early intervention and outreach services to visually impaired students, with or without additional challenges, throughout western Pennsylvania.
1st Tip : Make Advance Learning Plan
Learning plan of blind children will be different from normal children because, they can not see and it means all plans like to show chart, to write on whiteboard and to show video tutorial will give no benefit in learning process. These children need touching and listening tutorials. So, before teaching blind children, teacher has to record the audio in such a way that it covers the need of learning what he wants to teach to blind children.
2nd Tip : Start Teaching with Music
Many researches on teaching of blind children and to teach them with music are giving better result. Suppose, you want to teach basics of accounting. You can teach it with background music. Music must be slow and will be meditative.
3rd Tip : To Help Physically For Exercising
For increasing the power of other parts of blind children, teachers should help blind children physically for exercising. In this exercise, teachers can move hand and legs of blind children. With this, they can better balance their body and they can also fulfil the weakness of blindness with other part's strength.
4th Tip : To Love Blind Children
Blind children need the love of teacher. When I taught in SOS children Village, a 5 years old girl brought by authorities from slum area. She had neither eyes to watch nor she can listen the voice. But only the love which was given by us, after 2 years, she started to feel other. I think, if we spend our time with such children and give them love and financial support in the form of donation, they can easily learn what we want to teach. They can only talk with us if they like us.
5th Tip : To Give Motivation and Reward
A blind child has no meaning of world because he can see only blackness. You should always give them motivation and reward when they give correct answer. Group discussion can provide better learning environment for blind children.
6th Tip : BBC Radio Teaching Way for Blind Children
BBC is live Radio 24 hrs, 7 days and 12 months. I liked it very much but it is good teaching way for blind children, if you open your laptop or computer and connect it with Internet. After this, you have to open and save it favorites of Internet explorers or bookmark it. Your blind children can learn everything from it means they can learn world economy news, history, science and current affairs. Even daily listening practice, they can become the perfect in English. They can use it in call centers.
7th Tip : To Teach Career and Vocational Courses to Blind Children
They can work as reporter, telephone operator, Speaker on Radio and customer care officer, if teacher will help to teach about them. Such children should also encourage to work on computer and its typing. Computer typing is skill and even a blind child can type more faster than a normal child. If you stand a single child on his foot, it means you are successful as teacher.
Even Blind child can expert for playing piano and with this, he can earn money.
8th Tip Learn Teaching Tricks From YouTube Non-profit activities
There are large number of social institute who are operating blind children schools and upload teaching and educational video in YouTube non-profit activities tag. By searching this tag, you can watch these videos and learn, how to teach blind children. One of video is given below in which you will see the training visually impaired students with additional disabilities. The School also provides vital early intervention and outreach services to visually impaired students, with or without additional challenges, throughout western Pennsylvania.