Recently, I checked CS syllabus 2010, after visiting official site of Institute of Company Secretary of India ( ) . In this CS new syllabus, CS course has been divided in to three major parts. First is Foundation programme, second is executive programme and third is professional programme part. When I studied what is included about accounting in these courses, I found everything about accounting in these parts.
{ Note : I can't write everything about CS accounting in one page but here, I am including internal links of pages which will be helpful for you for reading and collecting everything about accounting. If there is no internal link, it means either, I have to publish content or I have not to update}
1. Foundation Programme |
Level of knowledge : Basic knowledge Objective : To familiarize and develop an understanding the skills of accounting principles for effective recording of business operations of an entity. |
Detailed Contents : |
1. Introduction
to accounting 2. Recording of transactions 3. Preparation of bank reconciliation statement 4. Rectification of errors 5. Preparation of final accounts (non-corporate entities) 6. Accounting for depreciation 7. Accounting for bills of exchange 8. Accounts of non-profit organizations 9. Single entry accounts 10.Preparation of accounts from Incomplete records 11. Accounting for consignments 12. joint ventures 13. Partnership accounts – simple problems 14. Insurance claims |
2. Executive Programme |
Level of knowledge : Working knowledge. Objectives : (i) To provide working knowledge of accounting principles and procedures for companies in accordance with the statutory requirements. (ii) To acquaint the students with cost and management accounting techniques and practices. |
Detailed contents : |
Part A : Company Accounts (50 Marks) |
Accounting standards - relevance
and significance 2. National and; international accounting standards 3. Accounting for share capital transactions 4. Issue of shares at par, at premium and at discount 5. Forfeiture and re-issue of shares 6. Buy-back of shares 7. Redemption of preference shares 8. Journal Entries of Redemption of Preference Shares 9. Rights issue 10. Issue of debentures - accounting treatment and procedures 11. Redemption of debentures 12. Conversion of debentures into shares 13. Underwriting of issues 14. Acquisition of business 15. Profits prior to incorporation 16. Treatment of preliminary expenses 17. Preparation and presentation of final accounts of joint stock companies as per law 18. Bonus shares 19. Holding & subsidiary companies - accounting treatment and disclosures; consolidation of accounts 20. Valuation of shares & intangible assets |
Part B : Cost And Management Accounting (50 Marks) |
Cost accounting &
objectives 2. Costing system 3. Cost concepts 4. Cost classification 5. Management accounting 6. Nature and scope of Management Accounting 7. Role of management accountant 8. Tools and techniques of management accounting 9. Distinction between financial accounting and cost accounting 10. Distinction between financial accounting and management accounting 11. Elements of cost 12. Material cost 13. Purchase procedures 14. Store keeping 15. Inventory control 16. Fixing of minimum, maximum and Re-order levels 17. ABC analysis 18. Receipts for Cost Calculations 19. Accounting and control of wastage, spoilage and defectives 20. Labour cost 21. Labour costs 22. Payroll procedures 23. Incentive schemes 24. Labour turnover and remedial measures 25. Treatment of idle time and overtime. 26. Direct expenses 27. Nature, collection and classification of direct expenses 28. Accounting Treatment of Direct Expenses 29. Overheads 30. Classification of Overheads 31. Allocation, apportionment, absorption and control of overheads |
3. Professional Programme |
Level of knowledge : Expert knowledge. Objectives : (i) To provide conceptual clarity about the management tools and techniques used in financial planning, analysis, control and decision making. (ii) To provide knowledge of derivatives, forex and treasury management to enable the candidates to tackle practical situation with ease. |
Detailed contents : |
(A) Financial Management |
1. Financial Management Basics
2. Capital Budgeting Decisions
3. Capital Structure Decisions
4. Sources of Finance
5. Dividend Policy
6. Working Capital Management and Control
7. Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
8. Financial Services
9. Project Planning and Control
10. Derivatives and Commodity Exchanges
(B) Treasury Management |
Meaning of Treasury
Management 2. Functions of Treasury Management 3. Objectives of Treasury Management 4. Scope of Treasury Management 5. Relationship between TM and FM 6. Role and responsibilities of chief finance executive 7. Tools of treasury management 8. Internal treasury controls 9. Environment for treasury management 10. Role of information technology in treasury management 11. Liquidity management 12. Regulation, supervision and control of treasury operations 13. Implications of treasury on international banking 14. Recent Developments of Treasury Management |
(C) Forex Management |
1. Meaning and Nature of Forex Management 2. Significance of Forex Management 3. Scope of Forex management 4. foreign exchange market 5. Structure Forex Market 6. Foreign exchange rates 7. Determination of Forex Rates 8. Exchange rate quotes; 9. Types of exchange rates; 10. Forex trading; 11. Currency futures and options; 12. Foreign exchange risk exposures and their management; 13. Exchange rate forecasting; 14. Risk in foreign exchange business. 15. Recent Development of Forex Management |