To write income statement is just like to prepare profit and loss account. This statement shows different operating expenses and incomes for specific period. By comparing income and expenses in this statement, we have to calculate net profit or loss of business. This net profit or net loss is also true result of your business which affects your business decision. Following format will be helpful for you to write your own income statement.
Income Statement's Simple Format
First of All Write your Sale XXXXX
Less : Cost of Goods Sold XXXXX
Balance will be Gross profit XXXXX
Less : all the operating Expenses relating to office,
administrative, sales and destribution expenses XXXXX
Balance will be Operating Income XXXXX
Add : Incomes such as interest revenue, and gain on sale. XXXXX
Less : Non operating Expenses such as interest expenses, and loss on sale. XXXXX
Balance will be Net Income XXXXX
Important Note :
This income statement shows incomes and expenses, so it also include but received and receivable incomes and paid and payable expenses. You can n't also include assets and liabilities in above income statement, for showing assets and liabilities, you have to make financial statement.
Income Statement's Simple Format
First of All Write your Sale XXXXX
Less : Cost of Goods Sold XXXXX
Balance will be Gross profit XXXXX
Less : all the operating Expenses relating to office,
administrative, sales and destribution expenses XXXXX
Balance will be Operating Income XXXXX
Add : Incomes such as interest revenue, and gain on sale. XXXXX
Less : Non operating Expenses such as interest expenses, and loss on sale. XXXXX
Balance will be Net Income XXXXX
Important Note :
This income statement shows incomes and expenses, so it also include but received and receivable incomes and paid and payable expenses. You can n't also include assets and liabilities in above income statement, for showing assets and liabilities, you have to make financial statement.