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New Book Published for Becoming Successful CPA by AICPA of USA

I got email from authority of  "The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants" in which he wrote about following message.

Hello Vinod,

I thought the below release may be of interest to your audience.

Thanks - James


James Schiavone



New AICPA Book Reveals the “Inside Track” to Accounting Careers

Job outlook for CPAs continues to be strong;

Book provides insights from more than 50 successful CPAs

NEW YORK (Nov. 9, 2010) — Students, young CPAs and future business leaders can learn about the career paths available for accounting professionals in today’s economy in a book published by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The Inside Track to Careers in Accounting, which includes career interviews from more than 50 CPAs, is now available.

“Our book presents personal stories of CPAs around the country and their paths to rewarding careers,” said Barry Melancon, AICPA president and CEO, who contributed the book’s foreword. “We’re reminding students that the accounting profession is a smart and secure choice in today’s challenging economy. Certified Public Accountants remain in high demand throughout the United States.”

Accounting continues to rank among the most admired and high-growth career opportunities. In a list of great careers from Money/PayScale.com, the CPA profession ranked in the top 10 for the second consecutive year.

The Inside Track to Careers in Accounting helps new accounting professionals and students interested in accounting expand their understanding of what CPAs do and how to navigate the numerous opportunities available. Extensively researched, the book delves into accounting careers in public practice, business and industry, and government as well as the steps toward building a business as a sole practitioner.

“It’s not a matter of attracting more students to accounting, but of attracting the best and brightest,” says Dan Deines, 62, a professor of accounting at Kansas State University. On a national level, Deines is helping prepare teachers to teach a new high school course which changes the infrastructure of the accounting curriculum and builds a direct link to college accounting programs. These efforts are improving both the students’ and the teachers’ understanding of the opportunities of the accounting profession.

“People skills are more important than ever in public accounting,” says Krista McMasters, 54, the CEO of Clifton Gunderson and the first woman to lead a top 25 CPA firm in the United States. Clifton Gunderson offers employees an opportunity to perform high level work early in their careers, as well as mentoring programs to provide training and place an emphasis on employees developing new skills.

“I have great people working for me and great clients. What’s not to like?” says Michael Roth, 54, Chairman and CEO of Interpublic Group, a global provider of advertising and marketing services. Roth states that his background in public accounting gave him exposure to different industries and clients and gave him the experience necessary to take ownership of his career and expand his horizons.

Readers will learn how to:

• Select an accounting program at a college or university
• Find their first job
• Navigate the certification process
• Compare career choices using the detailed job descriptions, typical salary ranges and career paths

A companion CD contains full transcripts of the interviews.

The book’s authors are Stan Ross and James Carberry. Ross is chairman of the board of the University of Southern California Lusk Center for Real Estate and a Distinguished Fellow of USC’s School of Policy, Planning & Development.

Formerly a reporter for the Wall Street Journal, Carberry is the principal of Carberry Communications, a business writing and editing service in Portland, Ore.

To purchase the book, go to www.cpa2biz.com/insidetrack. The cost is $59.00 for AICPA members; $73.75 for non-members.

About the Publisher

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (www.aicpa.org) is the national, professional association of CPAs, with 369,000 CPA members worldwide in business and industry, public practice, government, education, student affiliates and international associates. It sets ethical standards for the profession and U.S. auditing standards for audits of private companies, non-profit organizations, federal, state and local governments. It develops and grades the Uniform CPA Examination. The AICPA maintains offices in New York, Washington, D.C., Durham, N.C., Ewing, N.J. and Lewisville, Tex.

Media representatives are invited to visit the AICPA Online Media Center at www.aicpa.org/press.

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Accounting Education: New Book Published for Becoming Successful CPA by AICPA of USA
New Book Published for Becoming Successful CPA by AICPA of USA
Accounting Education
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