Dear Sir,
My daughter is 10 years old. But she understand very little. How can i taught my daughter pls suggest me the ways. i shall be very grateful to you.
Thanks and regards
( Name has not been shown due to privacy )
Solution :
Dear, I think you read the content " How to Teach Mentally Retarded Children?" before writing this question. I can understand your feeling as father. You want to take my help for getting different ways to teach mentally retarded daughter. First of all, please read my content "How to Treat Mentally Retardation?"
1st Way : Start to Develop Special Lessons Plans :
Due Mental retardation, a developmental disability, your daughter's intellectual function is not working properly, For teaching her, you must start to develop special lessons plans by following a few simple steps.
(a) In first lesson plan, you have to set a concrete, measurable goal for your daughter. The goal needs to be very simple, such as learning to perform a basic task. Suppose you have to teach about how to eat apple. Talk its process and practically show her how to perform it. But take full attention and don't give knife in her hand. Just take an apple and wash it with water and eat it. Now, help her to eat same apple with same style. Like this small activity, you have to teach to stand and walk.
(b) Continue practice, you will get result. Integrate repetition into teaching. If you are teaching to throw the ball, teach this several times in a day. With practice, they will master this task.
(c) Concentrate on one goal at a time. For example, if your goal is to teach a mentally challenged person how to dress themselves or how to use utensils, focus on accomplishing that one thing, before moving on to something else. Assigning too many goals at the same time can cause frustration and confusion, resulting in the individual refusing to cooperate.
2nd Way : Learn Patience Before Teaching Your Daughter :
i) In Ramayan, Shri Ram learned patience to face difficulties when he had gone to forest for 14 years.
Persons who are mentally disabled learn at a slower pace and it takes a longer period of time for them to grasp the concept of what you are trying to teach them. Getting angry with them just because they don't move along at the speed you prefer will only produce discouragement and be counterproductive to what you want to achieve.
3rd Way : Create a Good Learning Environment for Your Daughter :
It may be that sometime, your daughter will react like violent way. At that time, you need special care. Create a good learning environment for your daughter. Face her with love without any reaction. Environment is big roll to teach anybody. You can take help of your other family members also.
4th Way : Give Reward for Every Small Reform
If you see your daughter is learning something new. Give reward her by carrying her to picnic or giving any gift. This helps elevate her self-esteem.
5th Way : Sing, Dance and Use other Fun Techniques
Dear Sir,
My daughter is 10 years old. But she understand very little. How can i taught my daughter pls suggest me the ways. i shall be very grateful to you.
Thanks and regards
( Name has not been shown due to privacy )
Solution :
Dear, I think you read the content " How to Teach Mentally Retarded Children?" before writing this question. I can understand your feeling as father. You want to take my help for getting different ways to teach mentally retarded daughter. First of all, please read my content "How to Treat Mentally Retardation?"
According to my thought, " A father can teach mentally retarded daughter better than a teacher of mentally retarded school. Main reason of this : i) Father will attend personally to teach his without taking tension of her nonsense. ii) Father will free from mentally retarded organisation's obligation. Let me explain. Suppose you are teacher and you are teaching in IIM, Ahmedabad. You want to teach your students in Garden because your new thinking opens in that natural environment. But, you organisation will stop to do this due to rules to teach in classroom. It means your teaching freedom is controlled by business motive. Same may be happened with your daughter also. So, you can teach by your own innovative teaching methodology. iii) I know a person in my local area who has mentally retarded daughter. He taught her and know her daughter's behaviour is better. Today, I met him and he has assured me to tell some past 5 years experience to teach her daughter by developing new techniques of behaviour modification. As soon as he will tell me, I will publish update for your help.
1st Way : Start to Develop Special Lessons Plans :
Due Mental retardation, a developmental disability, your daughter's intellectual function is not working properly, For teaching her, you must start to develop special lessons plans by following a few simple steps.
(a) In first lesson plan, you have to set a concrete, measurable goal for your daughter. The goal needs to be very simple, such as learning to perform a basic task. Suppose you have to teach about how to eat apple. Talk its process and practically show her how to perform it. But take full attention and don't give knife in her hand. Just take an apple and wash it with water and eat it. Now, help her to eat same apple with same style. Like this small activity, you have to teach to stand and walk.
(b) Continue practice, you will get result. Integrate repetition into teaching. If you are teaching to throw the ball, teach this several times in a day. With practice, they will master this task.
(c) Concentrate on one goal at a time. For example, if your goal is to teach a mentally challenged person how to dress themselves or how to use utensils, focus on accomplishing that one thing, before moving on to something else. Assigning too many goals at the same time can cause frustration and confusion, resulting in the individual refusing to cooperate.
2nd Way : Learn Patience Before Teaching Your Daughter :
i) In Ramayan, Shri Ram learned patience to face difficulties when he had gone to forest for 14 years.
Persons who are mentally disabled learn at a slower pace and it takes a longer period of time for them to grasp the concept of what you are trying to teach them. Getting angry with them just because they don't move along at the speed you prefer will only produce discouragement and be counterproductive to what you want to achieve.
3rd Way : Create a Good Learning Environment for Your Daughter :
It may be that sometime, your daughter will react like violent way. At that time, you need special care. Create a good learning environment for your daughter. Face her with love without any reaction. Environment is big roll to teach anybody. You can take help of your other family members also.
4th Way : Give Reward for Every Small Reform
If you see your daughter is learning something new. Give reward her by carrying her to picnic or giving any gift. This helps elevate her self-esteem.
5th Way : Sing, Dance and Use other Fun Techniques
According to new researches, " Fun techniques are very useful for open the veins of brain where blood does not circulate. To laugh in fun mood may make your daughter happy. At that time, your daughter may increase her IQ.
In End, my best wishes are always with your daughter!!