In jan. 2008, I had founded accounting education. More than 3 years, it has seen many changes. Different students, accountants, researchers, teachers and readers from all over the world, joined for knowing different things of accounting. Thanks to Internet who has provided this classroom to all who want to learn accounting. Today, I am explaining, how can you take full advantage of this accounting education for learning accounting.
Ist Step : Concentrate on Your Topic of Accounting
We are researching more than 100 topics of accounting, finance and education. But, it is on you which topic are you interested? Please concentrate on that topic. If you have subscribed accounting education's feed, you can add your interested learning content in your bookmark list or you can search your related topics and bookmark on all these topics. With this, your can learn your interested topic more deeply.
2nd Step : Accounting Resource for Fresh and Other Area Students
If you are fresh and other area of specialization, you can also use our accounting education. You learn basic and financial accounting topics first. In above accounting resource, you will find accounting help and in accounting help, you will find all basic and financial accounting topics. We recommend to learn all these step by step.
On big demand of our students and readers, we are bringing new section of Video Guide and Tutorials in the home page of Accounting Education at . Still, there is no section for this. All those who want to learn accounting and tally step by step, they will learn from these videos.
4th Step : Practice through finding Practical Solutions
In our ask a question database, we find lots of questions of accountants who are doing practical work of accounting in different corporates and industries. We try to solve all these problems. Reading and learning all these practical solutions, you can certainly become expert in accounting.
5th Step : Special Guide for Accounting Teachers
From time to time, we wrote different tips in education and teaching section which you can find right side button. In these tips, you can teach accounting better way.
6th Step : Research Accounting Education through Sitemap
In the last of this site, we have submitted the sitemap. You can research any topic by going to sitemap of accounting education. This sitemap has been kept and updated monthly basis.