I read every day your site. I am glad to you. My problem is very easy to you to solve. My mind does not remember words, things, summery, what to do ?First of all, thanks for reading my views every day. As a human being, it is very good for you that your mind does not remember words, things, summery and other so many things because for living normal life, forgetness is god gift. Moreover, duty of remember is of brain not of mind. Our brain is big warehouse of so many things. It has also two part, one is active and other is sleeping. Yes, it is deep relationship with mind. Mind is our eleventh organ. You know that we have five knowledge organs of body and five act organs. Hand is act organ but eye is knowledge organ. Why am I saying these things?
plz help me ...........
Student From India
1) To tell to you where is your weakness. As a student, good memory is very good to acquire knowledge and use it more fastly when there is need.
Suppose, if your brain is Weak
If brain is weak, it will not do his work properly. Means when you learned any word or anything. After sometime, when you try to remember, your brain will not support to bring that word or thing from sleeping brain to active brain and at that time, your mind tell to you that I forget past learned word. Still that learned word or thing is in your sleeping brain.
Solution of Weakness of Brain
If same thing happens, it means you have to follow following things:
1) Pray to God because God has made brain. Only pray's remuneration, God will come in your brain and repair it.
2. ) Do practice of your brain continuously. If you bought a car and kept it in your store for 5 years. After five years, it may be possible that it will not do work. So, brain is also just like machine. Use it. Start counting your pocket money. Give poor and needy some part of it as gift and again count balance and so on.
Suppose, if your mind is not stable
because mind is not a machine like brain, it is just like intangible or invisible organ for bringing good and bad thinking. If mind is not stable, it will carry your body wondering aimless and without any target. At that time, your brain will do reciprocal work and send again all remembered things to sleeping brain. Unstable mind will report to you that you forget. So, tell me where is mistake. God has given you good brain but you made your mind bad. Before providing you the solution to stable your mind to increase your memory, I want to tell two qualities of mind.
Speed of Running Mind is 1000 times fast than your brain. All active materials in brain can be watched just closing your eyes and you can see.
Second Quality of Mind
Your mind can not take rest. Your body is machine and it need rest for 8 to 10 hours but I told already your mind is not machine. It lives active 24 hours till death. It is my thinking that mind does not go with the soul at the time of death.
Now, come to the solution of Unstable Mine
Solution is very simple. Mind is made with two things, if your all two things are good, your mind will good. After this your memory will increase.
1st Food : It is my practical experience, mind is made of food. Many years ago, I did experiment on my mind. I did fast for 7 days. At the end of 7th day of my fast, my mind had become just like dead body. I did not think anything after my 6th day fast. When 8th day, I ate food, my mind re-alived. So, quality of food affects mind first. Sacrifice following things, if you want to make stable your mind for increasing your memory.
a) Not eat meat, chickens and eggs because these are not food. Vegetarianism is good way to stable your mind. When any animal is killed for meat production, mind of that animal feels fearness and becomes unstable. After killing, his mind does not go with that animal's soul and that animal's unstable mind converts in our mind. Moreover, violent feeling makes our mind unstable after eating of meat, chickens and eggs. So, first sacrifice this as soon as possible. There is also big power of love with animals and birds.
b) Not to drink alcohol and other drugs
c) Not to drink cold drinks and other soft drinks.
e) Not to drink tea.
f) Not to eat fast foods
g) Not to eat more oily food.
2nd Behavior : Good behavior makes stable mind. Bad behavior makes unstable mind. For stability of mind and increasing our memory, we have to change our behavior. For, this you have to make your time table. Give some time to everything. Practice should be the part of your routine. Give some time to environment, animal and family. When you behavior will become good for everyone, you will feel satisfaction and peace and at that time, your mind will be stable. At that time, you can identify the water in milk.
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