This is the content which may be helpful to those who have wife but illiterate from real education. They should read the importance of education for wife and should start today for providing education to your wife.
1. If your wife will get education, then she did not quarrel with your other members of family. Good education is helpful to love other not quarrel or abusing other.
2. With getting education, your wife will leave selfishness. She will never threaten of divorce because after getting real education, she will learn real enjoy and peace in selfless. Our ancient wives learned education and become the great wives like Sita, Savitri and many others with their great sacrifice for husband.
3. It is basic right of every wife to get education after marriage. In my childhood, my parent taught me, if our mind is in free position, it is just like room of devil. After getting education, your wife will start to give education to other. With this, your wife will not live alone freely and she will become active in her duty. A devil will not bear in your wife's mind. It means that your wife will not have a single minute for quarrel, abusing or to do other bad things with you or other.
You can take example of me. This time, I am providing education because I learned some education. If I did not get education. I can not share it with you. It means, at that time, my mind will free and devil of mind will awake and I surely do bad works with my devil mind. Thanks to education who saved me this devil.
4. When I am talking about the importance of education for wife, I am not just talking the importance of education for your wife. I know, wife is just single role which she plays with her husband. But in real sense, she starts his big duty for society from this way. My mother is also wife of my father. She fulfilled her great duty for me because she is not just wife of my father. Only with moral education, your wife will understand her great duty toward society and nation. After this, she will be helpful to integrate not only her husband but nation also.
I listened the threaten of divorce stories in news papers but today, I am very sad when watched a woman who was saying that she will notice of divorce if you ( her husband) will not separate me from mother-in-law. Even she is graduate. Just getting the degree of graduation is not education in my eye. I persuaded her, you should do cool. Please love with your mother-in-law. Behave her with your own mother. You will also become mother-in-law in future. What will you feel when your son's wife will behave like this. But I was not her husband because I am still unmarried but I think it is duty of her husband to educate her wife. Our moral values and ethics are more important than dead things. It is the India where we behave dead stone like real God. So, all wives of world should understand that you will start to give respect others and you will get respect from other.