Welcome in accounting education, today, we will meet a great personality, Sardar Darshan Singh Ji. He is my classmate and a great teacher of spiritual education in Gurudawara Sahib. Today, we get the interview of that great personality.
Q: - 1. Sat-Shri-Akal Sardar ji. You did M.Com. with me. In commerce education, you did post graduation. After leaving this field, you came in spiritual education field. You are guiding people good way. Why did you go to spiritual education from commerce education?
Ans. : First of all, Sat-Shri -Akal to everybody. Yes, I am Darshan Singh, a person who lives in village. I got my first education in village with the grace of God. After this, I did M.Com. for fulfilling the dreams of my parent. I did huge struggle for this. I gave 10-12 years interviews of jobs. I went to Delhi and Chennai for railway interviews (Govt.). I did tests. But everywhere, I found corruption and Bribery and that was the main reason, I could not get job. Due to this, my mind was very sad. I was already in this spiritual field. I was brought in this spiritual field by my uncle when I was in eighth class. I learned spiritual education in Gurudwara Sahib. I did also holy work of Akhand Padh and formal study together. After high education, it was in my mind to serve people by adopting it as my profession but due to above reason; I could not make it as profession. One more reason, I want to mention, my mind is linked with God. I always join with almighty. I love to Gurbani and persons who attach with Gurbani. I would like to spend my all time to live under almighty Guru Grandh sahib. Now, I am teaching of this educational field. I work as Grandhi in Gurudawara Sahib. I am also trying to stop social evils by guiding others. I am happy; you shared your personal life experience with us.
Q: - 2. Now, Sardar Darshan Singh Ji, you have more than 10 years experience in spiritual education and you are telling the teaching of Almighty Shri Guru Grandh Sahib to public which is not just a Grandh of India but it is almighty Grandh for whole world. Tell me the importance of this spiritual education in this modern age.
Ans: This education is so important, dear Vinod kumar ji. Because, Guru Grandh Sahib teaches you to live. How to live better way? And for what causes, we have to live? It is the great teaching of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji that do your duty and after this hard earning from this should be distributed among everybody. Along with, you have to remember God who gave us birth (there are different names like Waheguru, Ram, Alha, and God). It is our first duty to remember that almighty. Main aim of coming on this is to remember god. All other areas like commercial, technology are made for the development of this world. Guru Grandh Sahib Ji also teaches us true religion, knowledge and politics.
Q: - 3. Sardar Darshan Singh Ji, What message do you want to give to our students?
Ans. I want to give the message that everybody should choose that field in which he or she is interested. If anybody has chosen commerce education, He or she should perfect in it and gain from it after becoming perfect in it.
Very Very thanks for coming on this Accounting Education's platform. Dear students, today, you got great education from great person. I hope, you will follow his message in your life. Thank you.
I think, this is the real quality of great personalities. We should all follow the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji " Midi Nivi Nanaka Gun Changia Tut" Very Very thanks for watching this interview.
Q: - 1. Sat-Shri-Akal Sardar ji. You did M.Com. with me. In commerce education, you did post graduation. After leaving this field, you came in spiritual education field. You are guiding people good way. Why did you go to spiritual education from commerce education?
Ans. : First of all, Sat-Shri -Akal to everybody. Yes, I am Darshan Singh, a person who lives in village. I got my first education in village with the grace of God. After this, I did M.Com. for fulfilling the dreams of my parent. I did huge struggle for this. I gave 10-12 years interviews of jobs. I went to Delhi and Chennai for railway interviews (Govt.). I did tests. But everywhere, I found corruption and Bribery and that was the main reason, I could not get job. Due to this, my mind was very sad. I was already in this spiritual field. I was brought in this spiritual field by my uncle when I was in eighth class. I learned spiritual education in Gurudwara Sahib. I did also holy work of Akhand Padh and formal study together. After high education, it was in my mind to serve people by adopting it as my profession but due to above reason; I could not make it as profession. One more reason, I want to mention, my mind is linked with God. I always join with almighty. I love to Gurbani and persons who attach with Gurbani. I would like to spend my all time to live under almighty Guru Grandh sahib. Now, I am teaching of this educational field. I work as Grandhi in Gurudawara Sahib. I am also trying to stop social evils by guiding others. I am happy; you shared your personal life experience with us.
Q: - 2. Now, Sardar Darshan Singh Ji, you have more than 10 years experience in spiritual education and you are telling the teaching of Almighty Shri Guru Grandh Sahib to public which is not just a Grandh of India but it is almighty Grandh for whole world. Tell me the importance of this spiritual education in this modern age.
Ans: This education is so important, dear Vinod kumar ji. Because, Guru Grandh Sahib teaches you to live. How to live better way? And for what causes, we have to live? It is the great teaching of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji that do your duty and after this hard earning from this should be distributed among everybody. Along with, you have to remember God who gave us birth (there are different names like Waheguru, Ram, Alha, and God). It is our first duty to remember that almighty. Main aim of coming on this is to remember god. All other areas like commercial, technology are made for the development of this world. Guru Grandh Sahib Ji also teaches us true religion, knowledge and politics.
Q: - 3. Sardar Darshan Singh Ji, What message do you want to give to our students?
Ans. I want to give the message that everybody should choose that field in which he or she is interested. If anybody has chosen commerce education, He or she should perfect in it and gain from it after becoming perfect in it.
Very Very thanks for coming on this Accounting Education's platform. Dear students, today, you got great education from great person. I hope, you will follow his message in your life. Thank you.
One minute please. I want to stop to you. I want to tell who is great? Great person is that who lifts up his mind. Only great person can give respect to other. He must also have the quality of humbleness. I am not great. I am just dust of feet of my students and I want to live just dust of their feet forever.
I think, this is the real quality of great personalities. We should all follow the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji " Midi Nivi Nanaka Gun Changia Tut" Very Very thanks for watching this interview.
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