I am B.Sc. graduate and working as accountant in a company which is a small one. I have attended many interviews but failed as the subject studied and working profession is totally different, as a result I could not able to grow neither financially nor professionally. Now I am 40 years old and please suggest me what I can do to improve myself.
Accountant from India
I am smaller than your age and experience of life but I can suggest you some tips which will be helpful to you to improve yourself. These tips also applies on me because I am also human being and want to improve myself.
1st Tip : Positive thinking is the biggest way to improve yourself. Every new day of life will be new challenge of every human being. Your age is just 40 years, there are lots of other options to grow financially and professionally. Accounting is one of them. It is just step to become successful businessman. Try your luck in business with positive way. In my eye no company is big or small but what services are provided by it, is important. Because you are working as accountant, it means you know the nervous system of business. It is big chance that you can operate business with your minimum resources and will get success.
2nd Tip : It is very good news that you studied, attended many interviews but did not grow neither financially nor professionally and failed in everything. Now, you will ask why am I saying this? You can also say me that I have no feeling of your pain. Dear, pass and fail both are for living life. Like you I faced many problems in many things and after listening the story of a great saint, I did not leave my courage and today, I am happy to see my problems in anything because with this, I start my fight with more power. Before, telling you this story, I want to tell my problem. My problem was that I faced many accidents or fell down and faced injury. I ask God, what is crime. In my life, I faced so many accidents on roads, railways, home and during exercise ( one of latest which I captured through my video camera - see at following live video).
I asked the same question from God, "you are greatest accountant and judge of whole world." Why did you give me the punishment when I did not harm anybody? A simple city judge tells our crime before giving us punishment. But why are you(God) silent after giving me punishment?
When I asked this question to great saint, he told me story which I am sharing with you.
A person was the big follower of a saint. He went daily to his Ashram ( the place of saint) for serving him. One day, he was ill. He did not go to saint. When he went next day to saint. Saint asked the question, "Why did not you come yesterday." That person answered that I was ill yesterday. So, I could not come. That saint told that it is good. You have saved from a big problem. That person was happy. Now, he started to go to him regularly. But some days after, some robbers came his home and carried all his money from his house. He became beggar. He did not go to that enlighted soul for two days. After two days, he went to enlighted soul. Enlighted soul asked the question, " Why did you not come two days?" That person replied that some robbers came in my home and carried all money by force. So, I could not come. That saint again told that it is good. You have saved from a big problem. That person could not understand, why saint is saying this? But, he did not leave his service. After some days, his son dead. He was very sad because he had only one child which he got after penance of 10 years. He did not went to saint for voluntary service for week. After week, he went to saint and told the reason of not coming to him. Enlighted soul knows everything. He told that it is good. You have saved from a big problem. Now that person was angry with saint because saint words were just like throwing salt on his wounds. But that person respects that saint. So, he accepted his words. After two weeks, his wife dead. Now, he was sad and abusing God for his injustice with him. He did not go to saint for one month. Because, he was also angry with words of saint. But when he became cool, he went to saint. Now he told that he did not come because one month ago, his lovely wife left him single on the earth and dead. But saint was same words on his sadness that it is good that your wife dead. You have saved from a big problem. Now, it was enough. He started to abuse saint. But saint did not care of this. Saint persuaded him that he should become cool. Now, that person became cool from mouth but made plan to kill that saint. He knew that saint lives alone in Saturday evening. He did not go to saint for 6 days and now 7th day was Saturday. He planned to kill saint this evening. On the other side, saint was waiting that person. Now saint stood up that evening and went from his room for begging. His eyesight was very week. He did not see 15 feet long well and he fell down in it. On the other side, when that person went saint's room, he did not find him He thought that his eyesight was very weak. He dead due to accident with truck on the road. Now, it was good for him because he saved that saint. Now he went to home and slept. Next day, he was walking and saw that saint in 15 feet long well. Now, that person asks whether it is good or not. Saint says, " I always says that everything which is happened is good. Because God wants to save us from big problem. Now, that person understood everything.
Dear 40 years old accountant, you should also understand that it is good that you failed many interviews because God wants to save you from all these bad companies. You did not know but God knows that if you cleared interview and you surely faced big problems. I already told that money is not source of human growth. If you have more money, it means you have more problems. You can tell me which billionaire is happy in the world. I am not rich but I feel more happy than all billionaires because I can sleep without medicine of sleep. Enjoy you with your family in nature, start some social activities.
3rd Tip : You have also doubt regarding the real meaning of profession. Real profession is to satisfy others. Just clear the interview and get high job is not profession. Successful professional is that person who has satisfied other with his knowledge. Learn accounting daily and start to help freely to others in accounting through online. There are lots of needy who need your help. One day, all these persons will be depend on you because they can not live without you and you will become professional. I am doing same thing. In accounting education, all can ask any question and I tries my best to solve the problem. I am not doing job of accounting. I am not trying to give interviews and interviews. I have just one aim to help others freely and I hope, it will be helpful to improve myself. Please follow it.