To get education is right for every student whether he or she is mentally retarded, blind, dumb or deaf. But, it may be the problem of teacher to teach such students. I have already explained, "how to mentally retarded students and blind students". In this teaching content, I want to give some tips to teach deaf students better ways.
1st Tip : Teaching by Using of Hand Expression
We speak any language, it is just source of communication of our thoughts to other. But a deaf students can not understand due to lack of hearing. But, if you learn to express your views through hands, you can teach everything to deaf students.
There are lots YouTube educational videos, with this, you can learn good hand expression for teaching to deaf students.
(A) Reading Finger Spelling in Sign Language
These tips have been given by colorofsign channel of youtube.
i) Sound it out
ii) Watch for configurations
iii) Use context
2nd Tip : Teaching by Using of Eyes
It is true that God has taken one knowledge organ from deaf students under his hard accounting system but we should not forget that God has given more power to other organs of that students. For example, a deaf student can catch your eye impressions 10 times more than a student who hears everything. So, you can use your eyes expression for teaching deaf students.
3rd Tip : Sign Language
ThroughChildsEyes has published a video inwhich, its experts have explained the importance of sign language for deaf students. Parent should learn this language for teaching their deaf children. As soon as they learn, they can teach basic things through sign.
4th Tip : Youtube Transcription
If your student has learnt language. It means that he understand the meaning of cow in English language. He understand that it is animal. Now, it is very easy to teach him everything with the help of youtube transcription.
Make the video of your teaching and upload it in youtube. Write all things in a notebook and upload it in caption section of your video.
After this, your deaf student will learn what you wrote and understand what you want to teach to him. Following two videos are its examples.
5th Tip : Search Teachings Materials For Deaf Students in Youtube
Keywords may be helpful to you.
a) "deafvideo"
b) "deaf video"
c) teaching video intitle:deaf
b) deaf
c) teaching deaf students
d)teaching deaf students,hd
f) teaching deaf students to read