As accountant, you want to analyze your data more fastly in different ways. If you have data in excel sheet, it may spend more time to summarize all accounting data for the purpose of accounting. Pivot tables are now available in Google Docs for your use. With Pivot table, you can analyze all your accounting data more fastly. This tutorial will explain all these things.
1st Step : Import all your accounting data in google docs:
It is the first step in which you have to import all your accounting data in google docs. It may be the list of debtors, creditors, your investments, sales, purchase or any other thing like list of 10 years profit list etc.
2nd Step : Select All your Accounting Data in Google Docs
With second step, you have to select all your accounting data in google docs.
3rd Step : Reach to Pivot Tables Report Option
Just click data in it and then click pivot table report option.
4th Step : Analyze your accounting data
You can analyze your accounting data. I can explain it with a simple example
Suppose, I have following data.
Now, I want to get total of USA's profit from 1980 to 2011. For, this, I just add data country in rows through right side report editor and then I will add more data of years and profit. Now, I filter this data by choosing just USA and with the help of value, I will get the sum of USA's profit from 1980 to 2011.
1st Step : Import all your accounting data in google docs:
It is the first step in which you have to import all your accounting data in google docs. It may be the list of debtors, creditors, your investments, sales, purchase or any other thing like list of 10 years profit list etc.
2nd Step : Select All your Accounting Data in Google Docs
With second step, you have to select all your accounting data in google docs.
3rd Step : Reach to Pivot Tables Report Option
Just click data in it and then click pivot table report option.
4th Step : Analyze your accounting data
You can analyze your accounting data. I can explain it with a simple example
Suppose, I have following data.
Now, I want to get total of USA's profit from 1980 to 2011. For, this, I just add data country in rows through right side report editor and then I will add more data of years and profit. Now, I filter this data by choosing just USA and with the help of value, I will get the sum of USA's profit from 1980 to 2011.
Within second, I will get this required data from this pivot table. You can use this pivot table for your own purpose.
Related : How to Use Spreadsheet of Google Docs in Mobile