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Interview with M.D. Swatanter M.A., M.ED., Ph.D (Education)

Welcome in Accounting Education (website). Today, we will meet a great personality in the field of education. He is Dr. Mathura Dass Ji Swatanter who has more than 40 years experience in teaching to secondary and higher classes. So, today, we talk this personality.

Namste, Dr. Mathura Dass Ji,

Namste Ji,

Question: 1. Sir, what is the importance of education for a student?

Education is a light. So, it gives us clear understanding about the picture of the human being and also of the society which helps us move normal, ideal among our colleagues and society at the large.

Question : 2. Sir, you have the 41 years experience in the field of teaching, education, please give some message to our young teachers and students. How can they get this profession for their life?

Education means teaching is the noble profession. If I say, it is noblest of all the profession. So, my message for the future teachers and also in the present teachers is to work honestly, diligently. They have to present themselves as icons and model before the society. Children learn what they live. If they live among the ideal teacher, then they must be shaped into normal human beings who are well conversant with the social laws, how they have to live among other, how they have to deal with others?

So, again I repeat that what our society needs today is an ideal person for the younger generation. They are parents, they are teachers, they are social leaders, because, after all these children are to become future citizen, future leaders and to work with various professions and occupations. So, teacher is not only teacher, he is also being auxiliary parent of the students. They are in their care to be shaped what is needed to be the ideal for the society.

Question: 3. Sir, these days, you are providing social activity to students who are poor and needy. Why did you choose this type of social activities in the form of welfare activities for orphan and poor students? There are lots other social activities. Why did you choose this?

My father expired when I was only three years. My poor widow mother reared with me painfully. She set before me the ideals of an ideal lady. Although she was an illiterate woman, but she was very conscious within and she gave me proper shaping when I was in 5th class, I fell into a bad company. I did not attend the school for 8 days. I took my bag and returned back when school was closed. On the 9th day, when I returned home, my class teacher Pundit Bhagvan Ji Sharma was at my home to enquire from my mother, why was I not going to school. He took me in his arms very lovingly and it was medical touch, parent touch, and fatherly touch that I attended school next day before the other students came to school and throughout my life as student, I never absented from my class and my school.

My teachers gave me proper love, care and protection and I started shining in the class. In 9th class, I did not have English Grammar (Book), so when I got the Grammar Book, I stood first in English in my class. So, when I passed my matriculation, the principal of my school asked me what for my future life. I immediately submitted that I will become teacher. I decided my unconscious mind. Pundit Bhagvan Das Ji who was teacher and as father gave me love, protection, care. So, my principal sent me my teacher training before the result was announced, I was appointed teacher in the same school where I had matriculated. So, during my study, I continued my academic studied with teaching and I studied privately up to M.A. English, I did my B.Ed. and then I joined Kurukshatra University for master education degree (M.Ed.) and then I got first class this degree. Then I registered for Ph.D in education. Then, I opted the topic the welfare of poor and destitute children. I was given the topic of study Juvenile Delinquents in all the district jails of Haryana.

Then, I studied 200 candidates both girl and boys and the title of study was "A Study of the Problem of Juvenile Delinquents with Regard to its Extend, Nature, Causes and the Provisions for Handling it in the State of Haryana." 
So, majority of my cases belonged to poor families. They were from broken home, they were denied love and care of the society, they were denied care from the head of teachers, they were beaten if they did not bring any book or note book with them. Most of them are from widows home. Majority of them, I found. Main reason of crime is poverty and other causes also. So, after completing my PhD, I was selected
Headmaster, 10 years continued there, then I had selected as principal grade one by the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan New Delhi. I was posted at Baramula Kashmir, then in air force station Chandigarh, then army school in BD (division) Patiala. So, there are, I gave my services for 9 years. I retired at 60 in 1998. I was offered various assignments work as director of an institution, work principal but I preferred to be social guide of children who are the deprived out their fundamental right of love, security and recognition. So, in the company of noble friend of the mind Shri Satparkash Parbakar Ex- municipal President to work for the needy children for the needy children. In 1988, we started a student council named as Vidyarathi kalyan prishad and since then, I am engaged in that field. God-knowing,  who home we can be of help, last 22 years, I have come across students who have reached various responsible posts. They have become very responsible citizen of country, at large, working with me and 100s of students are benefited every year. We give them educational guidance, counselling. They have shine in their studies, some of them have become engineers, and some of them have become college lecturers.

It gives me consolation, it gives me solace that if am doing a bit for the society, so that the children at large they copy me in right whatever I can help them. I am very much proud the society helping me in the right direct to help the students. Thank you.

Question: 4. Sir, my best wishes are with you. One last question, I want to ask. Sir, Your subject is mainly English and tell me how can Indian students improve their English?

English is the language. It is communicative skill and we communicate our ideas through our speech, through listening, and through speaking. There are three skills of a language, reading, writing and speaking. So, in fact, a teacher who is teaching a language, should whole heartily, teach them through that particular language. Keeping in the view, all the 3 skills of learning of a language. So, we should first of all create the environment for learning a language. A student living among the people who speak English, write English and so have environment to develop our three skills of language.

One can learn speaking English only if a child listens properly spoken words from the other persons. There are various means of listening radio, TV. So, like spelling, one should learn through eyes, correct spellings of English are learnt through eyes and correct speech means pronunciation are learnt through ears.

So, we must be careful to attend all the three skills of language. Creating an atmosphere of a particular language around us of children. So that they can learn this language clearly and without any doubt. So, we should not take it as foreign language. We should take it as our own language.

Thank you.

Thank you Dr. Mathura Dass Ji Swatanter, today, you come on online Platform of Accounting Education and give us great knowledge and education to improve. I wish your happy life and may God give you peace! 

If you have any educational or teaching problem, you can also solve freely by contacting him at him mobile no. 09915522840 in India and +91-99155228840 outside India



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Accounting Education: Interview with M.D. Swatanter M.A., M.ED., Ph.D (Education)
Interview with M.D. Swatanter M.A., M.ED., Ph.D (Education)
Accounting Education
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