Today is the time of Internet. Financial company should have good knowledge of different countries mutual funds for better distribution of right financial product to right customer globally. Today, I am showing the list of mutual funds in Malaysia. Before telling you the list of mutual funds in Malaysia, I want to tell little about the economy of Malaysia. Malaysia is a country in Southeast Asia. The national economy of the Malaysia is the 29th largest in the world, with an estimated 2009 gross domestic product (nominal) of $383.6 billion. Tourism and micro -industries are generating big part of earning of this country. So, many new companies have started to invest in tourism business and all these funds are from mutual fund's trustees. So, it is good scope of high return on such much funds.
Some of these top financial and banking companies of Malaysia and their mutual funds in which you can invest your money for getting earning with security.
Some of these top financial and banking companies of Malaysia and their mutual funds in which you can invest your money for getting earning with security.
Ist Mutual Fund - ABF Malaysia Bond Index Fund
ABF Malaysia Bond Index Fund is an exchange-traded fund established in Malaysia. The Fund's objective is to provide returns that correspond closely to the performance of the iBoxx ABF Malaysia Bond Index, before expenses with a target tracking error of 50 basis points on an annual basis. This is also one of public mutual fund in Malaysia.
2nd Mutual Fund - Affin Equity Fund
It is Open-End Fund which is known as AFFEQYF:MK. Main aim of this mutual fund is to provide growth and income to investors. The Fund may invest up to a maximum of 90% of its assets in equities and the remainder in fixed income and money market instruments.
3rd Mutual Fund - Affin Tactical Fund
This mutual fund has been established in Malaysia for a targeted return on capital invested. Investors of this fund has also right to withdraw of realized income. In this fund, portfolio is managed on either discretionary or non-discretionary basis. Affin Fund Management Berhad (AFMB) declared its 2nd income distribution (2nd Quarter). Investors of AIMMF enjoy a distribution of 0.18 sen per unit equivalent to a yield of 0.36% respectively based on the Funds’ ex-d NAV.
4th Mutual Fund - AIA Eleven Plus Fund
AIA eleven plus fund has been established by American International Assurance Bhd. The Trust's objective is long-term capital growth. The Trust invests in large and smaller capitalisation equities and fixed income in the United States, Europe, Japan, Asia Pacific and emerging markets including markets located in Central & Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, Latin America and Africa.
5th Mutual Fund - Alliance Vision Fund
Alliance Vision Fund is an open-end unit trust established in Malaysia. Alliance vision fund is one of 7 global funds in Alliance Investment Management Berhad (AIMB). The Fund invests in a minimum of 60% and a maximum of 95% in equities and a minimum of 5% and maximum of 40% in fixed income securities and liquid assets.