Investment for retirement is the part of your retirement planning. Before investment for retirement, you have to think. How much have you to invest? When have you to take decision for this? Where have you to invest?
How much have you to invest?
Total amount of investment for retirement depends on your total earning in a month. If you have made a perfect family budget, it will tell you, how much can you save in a month? Some of saving, you can not invest because you reserve for future emergency. After deducting cash reserves, you can invest balance savings in good retirement plans.
When have you to take decision for investment?
It is not intelligence to take decision of investment just before 5 or 6 years of retirement. After retirement, your earning power will reduce; you need long term investment for getting same earning for your retirement time. Young age is the best age for investment for retirement.
Where have you to invest?
There are lots of investments alternatives in which you can invest for your retirement. For this, you have to make equilibrium of risk and return on investment. General philosophy of business is more risk more return. But, you should remember, this is not investment for business, this is the investment for retirement. You should give first preference to safe investment. You may know that there are lots of business investment in which you can earn Rs. 1,00,000 in one hour and loss Rs. 10,00,000 in one hour. No need to invest in such business. Following may be best option for you
1st Insurance Pension Schemes
You can invest your money for retirement in insurance sector. This sector will give you double benefit. One side, it will cover your risk of life. Other side, it will give you return.
2nd Mutual Fund Schemes
Mutual fund schemes may be good for you because its return will higher than insurance plans. If you calculate your monthly expenditure with inflation growth rate is more than what return will you receive from insurance, you can also invest your some money in mutual fund schemes. Learn list of mutual funds of USA in which you can invest your money.
3rd Investment in Stocks
If you know some finance, you should not invest your all saving in one scheme. It may be very risk. You can diversify your all investment and some of its part; you can invest in the stock of very good companies. These companies work in the business and will give you high return in the form of dividend. You can also adopt it as short term investment plans and also get earning from its selling deal.
4th Investment in Govt. Bonds for Tax Saving
Tax saving bonds or govt. bonds will increase your earning. With this earning, your potentiality to increase money at the time of retirement will rise.
You should also make your financial portfolio. If you see imbalance of your investment, you can rebalance your portfolio. Serious analysis of your financial health, you can adjust your money from one investment scheme to other investment scheme.
Related : 3 Tips for Investing Money
How much have you to invest?
When have you to take decision for investment?
It is not intelligence to take decision of investment just before 5 or 6 years of retirement. After retirement, your earning power will reduce; you need long term investment for getting same earning for your retirement time. Young age is the best age for investment for retirement.
Where have you to invest?
There are lots of investments alternatives in which you can invest for your retirement. For this, you have to make equilibrium of risk and return on investment. General philosophy of business is more risk more return. But, you should remember, this is not investment for business, this is the investment for retirement. You should give first preference to safe investment. You may know that there are lots of business investment in which you can earn Rs. 1,00,000 in one hour and loss Rs. 10,00,000 in one hour. No need to invest in such business. Following may be best option for you
1st Insurance Pension Schemes
You can invest your money for retirement in insurance sector. This sector will give you double benefit. One side, it will cover your risk of life. Other side, it will give you return.
2nd Mutual Fund Schemes
Mutual fund schemes may be good for you because its return will higher than insurance plans. If you calculate your monthly expenditure with inflation growth rate is more than what return will you receive from insurance, you can also invest your some money in mutual fund schemes. Learn list of mutual funds of USA in which you can invest your money.
3rd Investment in Stocks
If you know some finance, you should not invest your all saving in one scheme. It may be very risk. You can diversify your all investment and some of its part; you can invest in the stock of very good companies. These companies work in the business and will give you high return in the form of dividend. You can also adopt it as short term investment plans and also get earning from its selling deal.
4th Investment in Govt. Bonds for Tax Saving
Tax saving bonds or govt. bonds will increase your earning. With this earning, your potentiality to increase money at the time of retirement will rise.
You should also make your financial portfolio. If you see imbalance of your investment, you can rebalance your portfolio. Serious analysis of your financial health, you can adjust your money from one investment scheme to other investment scheme.
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