Hi! I am Mahesh Deshmukh. I am in M.Com II and recently got work as postal assistant & getting Rs. 14000 in hand salary. I am also planning 4 NET and SLET. If you have the notes pls send it on my email id. Please guide me as to books how 2 prepare etc. I am really scared of my future. I am now 22. So I fear that if i leave this work in such confusing situation then nothing will remain in my hand. but at the same time I realise that this work is too risky there is very less chance of growth. so sometime I am planning to leave it & go 4 NET . My friend told me to go for both NET/ SLET & leave this work. What is your opinion? my financial position is nice. Should I leave this work & go for NET and one groups in dec 11. I don't know how but I feel that somewhere I am going wrong. if I fails this time then my family members will blame me a lot. Does age matters in our life? please guide me Reply on this id
Mahesh Deshmukh from India
Mahesh Deshmukh! Both UGC NET and your current work is important for developing your skills. We clear UGC NET not only for becoming Govt. Lecturer but by learning deeply the contents of UGC NET exam. we learn teaching, higher education, reasoning, higher education, communication and IT. When we do work in any organisation, we also learn many new things which are important for best judgement for life. So, it is my opinion, you should not leave your duty. If you have passion in teaching, to clear UGC NET may be good option for you.
You can do both things by proper management of your time. Make a good timetable for this. Your duty is of 8 hours. I think you are working in your city. Maximum 2 hours, I can add in 8 hours in which you can not study. Now, still you have 6 hours. Maximum use of 6 hours will give you the success in UGC NET. It is just one day paper. If you daily studied 4 to 5 hours for 4 to 5 months, you can easily clear UGC NET. It is plus point that your financial position is sound. But, I want to say that we do not do our duty in the organisation for making money but we do our duty for learning in practical environment. If you feel enjoy your duty, if your boss is not dictator, If you feel happy to help through his duty, if your skills increase from your duty, never resign from your duty.
* I have some past UGC Accounting Paper's solution, you can study in this site.
* Yes, age is very important for choosing any profession. So, your target should be clear.
* No, need to scared from your future. Never Take tension of your future. Future is very uncertain. So, be honest for your present duty.