There are many problems of students whose answer they want from teacher. But when teacher do not answer their problems, student may feel upset. At that time, students may be out of line. Sometime, study may be bore for students. Difficulty in study may be biggest barrier for students. But, if students get inspiration from other great persons or happening of the world, they will not fear from difficulty. They will learn to face the problems. They will love to their problems because they will know that problems will support him to fight and make a path of their target. So, my 2 days, I spent my time for watching some of good inspirational videos for students. After watching these videos, I have decided to write something which will be inspiration for my students of Accounting Education.
1. I can Run without Legs
I remember, when I was in illness in school days, I did not study. When my mother asked me, I told my mother that I was in fever. How can I study? Main reason was I did not see John Prenguber's inspiration video. In this video,John Prenguber, who lost both legs to diabetes, run in the front of Students at the Kunsberg School. He has no legs but with two iron sticks, he runs. I think, he is giving inspiration to students. He is saying, when he can create his will power and run, then students should also not fear from their illness. If they start fight to illness. It is sure that they will win in this fight.
1. I can Run without Legs
I remember, when I was in illness in school days, I did not study. When my mother asked me, I told my mother that I was in fever. How can I study? Main reason was I did not see John Prenguber's inspiration video. In this video,John Prenguber, who lost both legs to diabetes, run in the front of Students at the Kunsberg School. He has no legs but with two iron sticks, he runs. I think, he is giving inspiration to students. He is saying, when he can create his will power and run, then students should also not fear from their illness. If they start fight to illness. It is sure that they will win in this fight.
2. I did Graduation in Hotel Management for Feeding to Poor and Helpless Only
Why are you doing graduation, post-graduation, degree, diploma or any course? You may answer for earning money, to set up their profession. 40% of total population is young and all are doing same. Some of them studied and earned money just for family. But some do something different. One of them is Naryanan Krishnan. When he completed his hotel management degree, he was going for working in hotel But when he saw the poor and hungry people in his village, he remembers his aim of study. He starts to feed all poor, needy, helpless and hungry people. See this video at here.
Are you doing CA, MBA or other professional course. Did you fix your aim to help to helpless. If yes, it is sure you will get success in your course because to help the helpless is the duty of God. If you have this aim, God will help you in your aim.
3. Failure is Gift for US
4. I want to Get Success not to Survive
If anybody asks from you, what will do with future? You can say, "I will survive." It is not good answer. You should say that I will get success because
a) You were born to succeed.
b) You best can be still in your future.
d) Inside you is untapped potentials.
e) You have unlimited value.
f) Your dreams can definitely come true.
g) You are unique and special.
h) You can achieve what ever you put your mind to.
So, increase your confidence and attract the good around you. Step forward daily. Positively engage your relationships.
Related : Interview of Great Motivator Dr. MD Swatanter