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List of Hedge Funds in US

To invest in hedge funds is less risky than direct investment in shares and bonds. As rational US investors, you can prefer to invest in different hedge funds in US. Following is the list of  top hedge fund in US in which you can invest your money for getting return without the risk of loss.

Ist Hedge Fund in US - Bridgewater Associates

Bridgewater Associates is an American investment management firm founded by Ray Dalio in 1975 and is reported to be the world's largest hedge fund company with billion in assets under management. The company has 270 clients including pension funds, endowments, foundations, foreign governments and central banks.

2nd Hedge Fund in US - JPMorgan Chase and Co.

JPMorgan Chase and Co. (NYSE: JPM) is an American multinational banking corporation of securities, investments and retail. It is a major provider of financial services, with assets of trillion and the largest bank in United States by sales, profits, assets and market value. The hedge fund unit of JPMorgan Chase is one of the largest hedge funds in the United States.

3rd Hedge Fund in US - Soros Fund Management

Soros Fund Management is the primary advisor for the Quantum Group of Funds; a series of funds dealing in international investments. The company invests in public equity and fixed income markets worldwide, as well as foreign exchange, currency and commodity markets, and private equity and venture capital funds. The company is reported to have large investments in transportation, energy, retail, financial and other industries and owns stock in the Hess Corporation, Ford Motor Company, Global Ship Lease, Bluefly, and Lattice Semiconductor.

4th Hedge Fund in US - Och-Ziff Capital Management Group

Och-Ziff Capital Management Group (NYSE: OZM) is an American hedge fund manager and global alternative asset management firm. In early 2011, the firm had more than billion in assets under management.

The firm operates multiple investment strategies, including merger arbitrage, convertible arbitrage, equity restructuring, credit and distressed investments, private investments, and real estate. It has 400 employees worldwide including offices in New York, London, Hong Kong, Mumbai, and Beijing.

5th Hedge Fund in US - BlackRock

BlackRock is the world's largest and most prominent asset manager. BlackRock is headquartered in New York City and is the leading provider of investment, advisory, and risk management solutions. The company acquired Barclays Global Investors in December 2009 under BlackRock, making BlackRock the largest money manager in the world.

Founded in 1988, initially offering fixed income products, BlackRock has become a financial powerhouse while remaining out of the public eye. According to Ralph Schlosstein, CEO of Evercore Partners, a NY-based investment bank: “BlackRock today is one of, if not the, most influential financial institutions in the world.”

6th Hedge Fund in US - Angelo Gordon and Company

Angelo Gordon and Company is a private equity firm focused on making distressed investments and a hedge fund sponsor. Within its hedge fund activities, Angelo Gordon focuses on a number of alternative investment strategies.

Angelo Gordon operates three basic types of investment vehicles:

Illiquid strategies — Include a variety of investment strategies: distressed securities, private equity leveraged loans and real estate.

Liquid strategies — Credit opportunities, convertible arbitrage and risk arbitrage.

Multi-strategy — Takes advantage of attractive alternative investment opportunities from a range of the firm's disciplines.

7th Hedge Fund in US - The Baupost Group, LLC

The Baupost Group, LLC, is a Boston hedge fund founded and run by Seth Klarman in 1982. Baupost Group's investment philosophy emphasizes risk management. The firm is a value investing manager and is reported to manage assets of billion.

8th Hedge Fund in US - Farallon Capital Management, L.L.C

Farallon Capital Management, L.L.C. is an American global investment firm that manages capital on behalf of institutions and individuals. The firm was founded by Tom Steyer in 1986. Headquartered in San Francisco, California, the firm employs approximately 165 professionals in eight countries around the world.
Farallon primarily manages money for college endowments, foundations, and high net worth individuals.
As of 2011, Farallon Capital Management is the 12th largest hedge fund in the world managing billion in assets.

Farallon pioneered absolute return investing, a model focusing on potential returns as well as risk adjusted returns. Absolute return investing "treats every investment—whether a residential mortgage, a common stock, or a parcel of land—as a bond, with an implied rate of return." Farallon invests in various asset classes including value investments, credit investments, merger arbitrage, real estate related investments, and direct investments in both developed and emerging markets. Farallon typically holds positions anywhere from two to five years.

9th Hedge Fund in US - King Street Capital Management

King Street Capital Management is a global investment management company founded in 1995. King Street Capital Management manages approximately  billion and is ranked joint 13th as the largest hedge fund in the world  with Avenue Capital Group. Investments include public equity and fixed income markets globally with a focus in distressed companies, equity, bonds, foreign exchange, warrants, and options.

10th Hedge Fund in US - Paulson and Co. Inc.

Paulson and Co. Inc. is a hedge fund sponsor owned by its employees and founded in 1994 by John Paulson.
Paulson  and Co. Inc. (PCI) is an employee-owned, hedge fund headquartered in New York, New York. The firm provides services to investment vehicle pools and manages accounts for banking institutions, corporations and pension and profit sharing plans.

In 2011 PCI was ranked as the world's fourth-largest hedge fund with billion in investor assets under management and a 1.22 percent stake in Bank of America.



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Accounting Education: List of Hedge Funds in US
List of Hedge Funds in US
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