FAQ Relating to Solution of Accounting Education |
First of all, I am thankful to all of you who are asking question in Accounting Education by filling the form in Ask a question. Following FAQ will be helpful to you if you want to find your answer.
Question : 1. Is there any fees for getting solution?
Ans: No, dear, it is free of cost. You can ask any question any time. We do not take any fees from you for providing proper solution of your problem. If you did not find ask a question, you can use this form at here for asking question.
Question : 2. How can I ask question?
Ans. : Select Ask a Question Option at the top of our website.
2. Enter your name, email, your country, category, title of question and detail of question
3. Submit
Question : 3. What should do before asking question in Accounting Education?
Ans.: Before asking the question in accounting education, you should use our two Google search engines on the site. Our all contents are index by Google and when you write and submit your question in our site's Google engine, you may get the results and in these results, you can get your question's answer.
Question : 4. Why did I not get answer in my email?
Ans.: We receive lots of questions relating to accounting, accounting software, finance, business and education. We divide it in two parts. If your question is sensitive, we do not publish its solution in accounting education. We send it in your email id. But, if we think that your questions solution may be helpful for other, then we publish it in Accounting Education. But, we know the privacy of your email address. We do not mention your email address. We just mention your name and your country. Suppose, A asked question from Delhi. We gave its answer and published. Now, B from London has same problem and searched in Google and found same solution. It means your question is always our motivation not only help you but others. If you did not still find solution in your email inbox, please check accounting education's sitemap. This sitemap, you can find right side in the end of any webpage of our website.
Question : 5. How can I update my question's solution?
Ans. Today, I fill the email id in Facebook search box of a person who asked question to us. I found his Facebook profile and sent request for friendship. It means if your email given to us and Facebook email is same, I can add you in my Facebook friends. If you accept me as friend, you can take its two benefit. One is, you can get updates of all solutions. Second, I can update the solution of your question in your Facebook profile wall.
Question : 6. When will get solution of my problem?
Ans. As soon as possible! But sometime, there may be lots of queries or very complicated queries that need lots of time. We trust in quality instead of quantity solutions. So, please wait. Sometime, we may be busy in other project of research. But it is sure, we will see your all queries at the end of week even after our busy schedule in other projects. Sorry for giving you late answer due to this.
Question : 7. Can You provide us video solution?
Ans. We know that video solution is better than written solution. We are doing work on this. If we think you need some practical learning through live video. We published it on YouTube. For this, please check update of solution playlist in our svtuition channel in YouTube.
Question : 8. How can I share Your Solution with my Friend?
Ans. We have shown Facebook like button in every solution, you can just like it and it will automatically update to your friend's Facebook homepage. You can join our community and invite other friends to join our community.
Question :9. What is difference between Accounting Resources and Solution?
Ans. In accounting education, we are doing work on two major projects. One is on accounting resources and other is solution. Accounting resources is step by step learning of any subject of accounting. It has been further classified in class wise accounting resources but solution is the answer of your problem. It may be of accounting, finance, education or any other.
Question: 10. How can I report a bug with Accounting Education?
Ans. If you see any error, flaw, mistake, failure, or fault in any page of accounting education and its solutions that produces an incorrect or unexpected result, or causes it to behave in unintended ways. Please report of this directly to us.
To report a bug with the solution or any thing in accounting education, please submit at here.