Comparative income statement is the part of financial statement analysis. This statement is made for analysis of company's revenue position. For making this statement, we take two years income statement. We compare its all figures. By comparing its all figures, we find increase or decrease in its all items. After this, we calculate % of increase or decrease by taking previous year as base year. It means, we divide increase or decrease figure by previous year figure. Following is the example of comparative Income statement.
We can explain and analyze of above statement with following way:
From above net sales figures, we find that our net sale has been increase by 25% but this is not sign of our revenue progress. We have to still check our cost of goods sold increase, operating expenses increase and non-operating expenses increase. From above comparative income statement, we find that we have succeeded just control our cost of goods sold but our operating and non-operating expenses has increased 100% and 200% respectively. Due to this 100% increase in gross profit has decreased up to 66% increase in net profit. 66% is also sufficient increase in net profit for retaining and distribution of dividend to our shareholders on their share capital.
Important Points for Management Accountant to Analyze Comparative Income Statement
1 # Net Profit should also analyze whether it is giving perfect return on investment. See, what was last year our return on investment and what is current year our return?
2. # Management accountant should also analyze all resources' cost with its turnover. See, what were last year our total resources' cost and revenue and what are current year total resources' cost and revenue?
Related : Comparative Balance Sheet
We can explain and analyze of above statement with following way:
From above net sales figures, we find that our net sale has been increase by 25% but this is not sign of our revenue progress. We have to still check our cost of goods sold increase, operating expenses increase and non-operating expenses increase. From above comparative income statement, we find that we have succeeded just control our cost of goods sold but our operating and non-operating expenses has increased 100% and 200% respectively. Due to this 100% increase in gross profit has decreased up to 66% increase in net profit. 66% is also sufficient increase in net profit for retaining and distribution of dividend to our shareholders on their share capital.
Important Points for Management Accountant to Analyze Comparative Income Statement
1 # Net Profit should also analyze whether it is giving perfect return on investment. See, what was last year our return on investment and what is current year our return?
2. # Management accountant should also analyze all resources' cost with its turnover. See, what were last year our total resources' cost and revenue and what are current year total resources' cost and revenue?
Related : Comparative Balance Sheet