Yesterday my website Accounting Education ( was close down for 10 to 15 hours. This was very sad news for me. Because more than 10000 hits are of this website from all our the world. No opening of website means no opening of 2000+ its webpage and no page view. I talked with my domain registrar for knowing what is wrong. Actually, I sent request to my domain registrar's support for redirecting to . But due to mistake, my website became close. When, I checked this website's some page. Nothing was opening. I understood that its employee did any mistake in dns management or nameserver.
Now, what I did, I am explaining below:
1. # I checked my subdomain like and others. All are opening correctly. It means there is mistake in only . My blog is using google blogger hosting. It means, if my website will not pointing to google, then it will not opening because all my contents have been kept in google.
2. # I have checked my past made video "how to make subdomain". It helped to see the old position of my dns management. I understood something that employee has added wrong cname and a address on my request.
This was wrong in DNS Management :
Now, what I did, I am explaining below:
1. # I checked my subdomain like and others. All are opening correctly. It means there is mistake in only . My blog is using google blogger hosting. It means, if my website will not pointing to google, then it will not opening because all my contents have been kept in google.
2. # I have checked my past made video "how to make subdomain". It helped to see the old position of my dns management. I understood something that employee has added wrong cname and a address on my request.
This was wrong in DNS Management :
host name | Record type | Address | Priority |
@ | A(Address) | | |
www | cname(alias) | |
I deleted both and added following
host name | Record type | Address | Priority |
www | cname(alias) | |
3. # Still my site was close down. It means when I or any other will change DNS records, it will take time.
As per Wikipedia :
As per Wikipedia :
As a noteworthy consequence of this distributed and caching architecture, changes to DNS records do not propagate throughout the network immediately.4. # Today, I get up 5:30 A.M. and I found to everything is ok. My website was live after 10 to 15 hours close. Thanks God.

Sometime, adverse things happens, so, human being should not leave patience. | |
Happiness and sadness are two parts. It is sure, if today, you are happy, next day, you will be sad. | |
Before asking to change anything, think 100 times because other person's little change may stop your all hard work of many years within few seconds. | |
Make video, take photo of your past setting, so that you can restore back position. | |
Always do good works because your good works will help you in your problem. | |
Try to take help as soon as possible. Discussion with other friends, will give you some good idea for solving your problem. | |
Do not keep all things in one basket. |
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