If you asked me, "how to hire laborers?", I will say that my way to hire laborers is just different from other employers who hire laborers. All employers want to hire those laborers who demand low wages. As per accounting, this is correct because if employer will pay less wages and get more production from laborers, it will be helpful for increasing the profit of organisation. But, I never asked to reduce the labor charges out of what is standard of their wages. But following are my way and I hope, you will follow me when you will hire laborers next time.
Indian Dewali festival is coming and I am busy to maintaining my house for this great festival. Recently, I hired many laborers for repairing my house. For this, I went to labor stand of my city. Due to high amount of unemployment, large number of laborers are ready to go with me. But my demand was limited. So, everybody are saying that they will do good and they should be hired.
But, I had the big list of conditions which I had told to all those laborers. Everyone who will clear my all conditions will have to go with me. Following are these conditions.
1. Any one can be hired whether he is or she is. Every religion is accepted. I can hire whether he or she is Hindu or Muslim or Sikh or christian or any religion. Every laborer can be hired whether he or she is black or white or any color. Every laborer can be from any state of my country. But he or she should be honest and hard working.
2. Candidate must be vegetarian. He must not eat meat, chicken or any other non-veg because I spend my life with my philosophy and one of main concept of my philosophy to live a vegetarian life. Few times ago, one person had asked me, in the earth quake there are lots of vegetarian dead without any sin of killing of innocence animals. Why? I replied, because they do not support to protect animals by spreading the message of vegetarianism. That is reason, they are responsible. So, now, this is my first condition to hire laborers. If they will say me that they are vegetarian, I am ready to hire them because I do not want that anyone buy the meat with my given money. Because same money is used for increasing the production of killing of innocence animals. I love all animals and I want to see forever at any cost in my life. These all animals are not cheaters. They are more intelligent than human being. They are very helpful to creating balance in environment. They are very helpful to reduce global warming by consuming waste. If same waste is burnt, then it will increase gases in the environment and science proves that more spreading of gases from waste is one of reason of global warming.
3. Candidate must not drink alcohol because I think, if I will hire that laborer who will drink with my money. I will equal responsible for increasing evil like those who is selling drink alcohol. I want to see milk shop everywhere. I love to drink milk because it increase our brain. It increases our power to work. It increase our memory. But drink alcohol is very harmful for health. Just writing on the drink bottle that it is dangerous and harmful for health is not sufficient. No laborer must be hired who is drunker.
4. I hate intoxicant, if anybody use any intoxicant in any form, I hate this person's that habit. I want to change that person. So, I will not to hire that person who use intoxicants.
I felt shock, when I saw just 10% of total laborers had cleared my all four conditions. But, I am lucky because that day, I had succeeded to hire the laborers who had cleared my all above conditions for my repairing of my house. Some of them belongs to Sikhism religion and they are all already following my above conditions. Following is picture of two lucky laborers who had been hired after cleared my above conditions.
Indian Dewali festival is coming and I am busy to maintaining my house for this great festival. Recently, I hired many laborers for repairing my house. For this, I went to labor stand of my city. Due to high amount of unemployment, large number of laborers are ready to go with me. But my demand was limited. So, everybody are saying that they will do good and they should be hired.
But, I had the big list of conditions which I had told to all those laborers. Everyone who will clear my all conditions will have to go with me. Following are these conditions.
1. Any one can be hired whether he is or she is. Every religion is accepted. I can hire whether he or she is Hindu or Muslim or Sikh or christian or any religion. Every laborer can be hired whether he or she is black or white or any color. Every laborer can be from any state of my country. But he or she should be honest and hard working.
2. Candidate must be vegetarian. He must not eat meat, chicken or any other non-veg because I spend my life with my philosophy and one of main concept of my philosophy to live a vegetarian life. Few times ago, one person had asked me, in the earth quake there are lots of vegetarian dead without any sin of killing of innocence animals. Why? I replied, because they do not support to protect animals by spreading the message of vegetarianism. That is reason, they are responsible. So, now, this is my first condition to hire laborers. If they will say me that they are vegetarian, I am ready to hire them because I do not want that anyone buy the meat with my given money. Because same money is used for increasing the production of killing of innocence animals. I love all animals and I want to see forever at any cost in my life. These all animals are not cheaters. They are more intelligent than human being. They are very helpful to creating balance in environment. They are very helpful to reduce global warming by consuming waste. If same waste is burnt, then it will increase gases in the environment and science proves that more spreading of gases from waste is one of reason of global warming.
3. Candidate must not drink alcohol because I think, if I will hire that laborer who will drink with my money. I will equal responsible for increasing evil like those who is selling drink alcohol. I want to see milk shop everywhere. I love to drink milk because it increase our brain. It increases our power to work. It increase our memory. But drink alcohol is very harmful for health. Just writing on the drink bottle that it is dangerous and harmful for health is not sufficient. No laborer must be hired who is drunker.
4. I hate intoxicant, if anybody use any intoxicant in any form, I hate this person's that habit. I want to change that person. So, I will not to hire that person who use intoxicants.
I felt shock, when I saw just 10% of total laborers had cleared my all four conditions. But, I am lucky because that day, I had succeeded to hire the laborers who had cleared my all above conditions for my repairing of my house. Some of them belongs to Sikhism religion and they are all already following my above conditions. Following is picture of two lucky laborers who had been hired after cleared my above conditions.