From many time, I am thinking on the analysis of financial matters. But today, I choose different topic. All you know that self analysis is neither accounting topic nor financial topic. It is purely educational topic. Before doing self analysis, we all have to find self. Who is self. To analysis of self is easy but to find self is difficult. I am Vinod. This is my name. People knows me with this name. I also know my name is Vinod. When I see my face in water and sometime I feel myself different from Vinod. As per my knowledge, this Vinod born just 31st years ago. I saw myself when I was 5 or 6 years. I am regularly watching a personality whose name is Vinod. Sometime he thinks to earn more and more money. Sometime, this Vinod went to Cemeteries Wharf and this man Vinod promises to God that he will not be trapped in nets of money. But, after coming cemeteries wharf, he forget every promises.
Sometime same Vinod says to me, I am doing labour. But I asked from Vinod what is meaning of Labour. I teach to Vinod, labour means to do the duty of God. It is the duty of God to give food to every creature of God. Did you give? No, how can you say that you are doing labour. This Vinod tries to understand my teaching but I see that he also listen the voice of one more personality in it. I say him mind. Because, I am in Vinod. I also listen clearly everything what mind says to Vinod. He says him to enjoy all funs of life. Never think what is good or bad. See everything, listen everything and speak everything. But, I teach to Vinod. No, Vinod, God has given to brain. Why are you taking your brain work from mind. Use brain and it will tell you what is good and what is bad. Leave the way what is bad for you. Leave the way where you see bad things. Leave the way where you listen bad things. Obey me order. I am nothing, I am your→Self. But, this Vinod started new way to live the life. This Vinod shows everywhere that he is doing good. People likes him. But, when he is alone and I sleep for few seconds, Vinod tries to obey the order of his mind. He starts to walk on the way where he forgets what is wrong and what is good.
When I awake after few second sleep, I see, this Vinod is seeing something bad and same Vinod is listen something bad. Oh no, I cry and cry but Vinod do not listen my Voice. I feel wonder to see this is Vinod who obey all my order. On my one voice, this Vinod starts to sacrifice everything. But today, I feel sham that I am self of Vinod. Even after giving him all true know how did this Vinod go to bad side? I think, this is due to his mind. But, when this Vinod does good work on my order, I saw that this mind supports him. How can I blame on Vinod's mind. God has given double duty to mind. When anybody will obey my order. This mind will support in Good works. When mind gives order to Vinod, it carry Vinod where Vinod losses his character, his reputation and his everything. he becomes evil in my eye. But, I did not sink Vinod all the time in this evil well.
Now, I am using second way for saving Vinod from the well of evil because I tried first by just crying. Vinod does not leave to go bad side and Vinod is not listening my Voice. In second, I pray to God, God! Accident of Vinod should be done by you. Or, Vinod should capture in dangerous diseases or any thing. God accepted my voice. God will do big accident of Vinod. But, in this accident, nothing part of Vinod will be injured. Accident was done on the order of God. Now, I am explaining this accident for opening the eyes of Vinod. Vinod is coming from any place. He has to cross railway line. Vinod is confident on his eyes that he can see anything from 2 kms. He sees that there is no train coming of his right side. Now Vinod sees left side. He sees that a train is coming. The train is coming very slowly. Vinod still sees this left side train which is coming very slowly. Vinod is saying to train, why is dear train coming slowly. Come fastly, I want to see you from near. But training is still coming slowly. Now, it is enough. Vinod thinks that he has spent 5 minutes but this train did not come. Now, he wants to go home. Vinod forgets to see back (right side) and he did not know that A train with speed of about 250-300 km/hrs is coming. Vinod crosses the next rail line. Just one second of crossing next rail line what Vinod sees, "A train is going on same rail line just after one second of his crossing. Vinod thinks that what would happen, if he crosses the same railway line after one second. There would be just 1000 parts of body. Vinod cries, oh! God, you have saved me. God, you have forgiven my all sin. You are so kind. This Vinod faced big accident but there is zero injury. This was just for opening the eyes of Vinod. Now, Vinod reaches the classroom of self.
Now self teaches Vinod to take difference between self and mind. Vinod understood that voice of self is the voice of God. He analyzes that he will not obey the order of his mind. God has given one golden chance to serve other. He will not break the trust of God.
After this self analysis, Vinod fixes his personal aim of life
a) To help needy his rest of life.
b) To leave greed.
c) To leave pride.
d) To listen only voice of self.
Sometime same Vinod says to me, I am doing labour. But I asked from Vinod what is meaning of Labour. I teach to Vinod, labour means to do the duty of God. It is the duty of God to give food to every creature of God. Did you give? No, how can you say that you are doing labour. This Vinod tries to understand my teaching but I see that he also listen the voice of one more personality in it. I say him mind. Because, I am in Vinod. I also listen clearly everything what mind says to Vinod. He says him to enjoy all funs of life. Never think what is good or bad. See everything, listen everything and speak everything. But, I teach to Vinod. No, Vinod, God has given to brain. Why are you taking your brain work from mind. Use brain and it will tell you what is good and what is bad. Leave the way what is bad for you. Leave the way where you see bad things. Leave the way where you listen bad things. Obey me order. I am nothing, I am your→Self. But, this Vinod started new way to live the life. This Vinod shows everywhere that he is doing good. People likes him. But, when he is alone and I sleep for few seconds, Vinod tries to obey the order of his mind. He starts to walk on the way where he forgets what is wrong and what is good.
When I awake after few second sleep, I see, this Vinod is seeing something bad and same Vinod is listen something bad. Oh no, I cry and cry but Vinod do not listen my Voice. I feel wonder to see this is Vinod who obey all my order. On my one voice, this Vinod starts to sacrifice everything. But today, I feel sham that I am self of Vinod. Even after giving him all true know how did this Vinod go to bad side? I think, this is due to his mind. But, when this Vinod does good work on my order, I saw that this mind supports him. How can I blame on Vinod's mind. God has given double duty to mind. When anybody will obey my order. This mind will support in Good works. When mind gives order to Vinod, it carry Vinod where Vinod losses his character, his reputation and his everything. he becomes evil in my eye. But, I did not sink Vinod all the time in this evil well.
Now, I am using second way for saving Vinod from the well of evil because I tried first by just crying. Vinod does not leave to go bad side and Vinod is not listening my Voice. In second, I pray to God, God! Accident of Vinod should be done by you. Or, Vinod should capture in dangerous diseases or any thing. God accepted my voice. God will do big accident of Vinod. But, in this accident, nothing part of Vinod will be injured. Accident was done on the order of God. Now, I am explaining this accident for opening the eyes of Vinod. Vinod is coming from any place. He has to cross railway line. Vinod is confident on his eyes that he can see anything from 2 kms. He sees that there is no train coming of his right side. Now Vinod sees left side. He sees that a train is coming. The train is coming very slowly. Vinod still sees this left side train which is coming very slowly. Vinod is saying to train, why is dear train coming slowly. Come fastly, I want to see you from near. But training is still coming slowly. Now, it is enough. Vinod thinks that he has spent 5 minutes but this train did not come. Now, he wants to go home. Vinod forgets to see back (right side) and he did not know that A train with speed of about 250-300 km/hrs is coming. Vinod crosses the next rail line. Just one second of crossing next rail line what Vinod sees, "A train is going on same rail line just after one second of his crossing. Vinod thinks that what would happen, if he crosses the same railway line after one second. There would be just 1000 parts of body. Vinod cries, oh! God, you have saved me. God, you have forgiven my all sin. You are so kind. This Vinod faced big accident but there is zero injury. This was just for opening the eyes of Vinod. Now, Vinod reaches the classroom of self.
Now self teaches Vinod to take difference between self and mind. Vinod understood that voice of self is the voice of God. He analyzes that he will not obey the order of his mind. God has given one golden chance to serve other. He will not break the trust of God.
After this self analysis, Vinod fixes his personal aim of life
a) To help needy his rest of life.
b) To leave greed.
c) To leave pride.
d) To listen only voice of self.