You know that I have bought new discover bajaj 100 CC on the eve of Deepawali. Now, there were two major works for me. One is to make my licence and other is to get registration certificate for bike. I have completed both works process. Here is I am writing the steps for getting registration certificate for vehicle because this RC is nothing but way of getting one time Road Tax on the value of vehicle. To study different taxation is also part of Accounting Education, so, I want to share this information.
1st Step : Never Buy Vehicle with Registration Certificate (RC)
Dealer of my bike was demanding Rs. 3000 but my total cost of making RC is less than Rs. 2000. So, when you will buy, say clear words that I need vehicle without RC. I will get RC myself. So, this will become your first step for getting RC for vehicle.
2nd Step : Go to your Local Suvida Centre
In Suvidha centre, you have to apply for registration certificate. You can know Suvidha Centre by just search your local court. You have to buy RC Form and Challan. Please Fill it and give it with your vehicle original bill, insurance copy, no pollution certificate, voter card and PAN card’s attested copy.
3rd Step : Pay the Road Tax Plus RC Fees in Your Bank
Rate of Road Tax is 4% of the real purchase price of vehicle. For example, my vehicle the real cost was Rs. 45990 and plus I paid other cost and total bill was Rs. 47390. So road tax is 1839.60. Convert paise into rupees before writing amount in challan. Never write paise in challan because if you will mention paise, your challan will be rejected. RC Fees is Rs. 60. total my paid amount of road tax + RC fees is 1900. In your case, it may depend on the cost of your vehicle.
4th Step : Deposit all the documents in Suvidha Centre and Get its Receipt
After payment of total road tax plus RC fees and stamp of bank, you have to deposit this challan in Suvidha Centre. Suvidha Centre employee will give you a signed receipt. After 10 days, you will get your registration certificate of vehicle with your vehicle no.
1st Step : Never Buy Vehicle with Registration Certificate (RC)
Dealer of my bike was demanding Rs. 3000 but my total cost of making RC is less than Rs. 2000. So, when you will buy, say clear words that I need vehicle without RC. I will get RC myself. So, this will become your first step for getting RC for vehicle.
2nd Step : Go to your Local Suvida Centre
In Suvidha centre, you have to apply for registration certificate. You can know Suvidha Centre by just search your local court. You have to buy RC Form and Challan. Please Fill it and give it with your vehicle original bill, insurance copy, no pollution certificate, voter card and PAN card’s attested copy.
3rd Step : Pay the Road Tax Plus RC Fees in Your Bank
Rate of Road Tax is 4% of the real purchase price of vehicle. For example, my vehicle the real cost was Rs. 45990 and plus I paid other cost and total bill was Rs. 47390. So road tax is 1839.60. Convert paise into rupees before writing amount in challan. Never write paise in challan because if you will mention paise, your challan will be rejected. RC Fees is Rs. 60. total my paid amount of road tax + RC fees is 1900. In your case, it may depend on the cost of your vehicle.
4th Step : Deposit all the documents in Suvidha Centre and Get its Receipt
After payment of total road tax plus RC fees and stamp of bank, you have to deposit this challan in Suvidha Centre. Suvidha Centre employee will give you a signed receipt. After 10 days, you will get your registration certificate of vehicle with your vehicle no.