One of basic duty of father and mother is to teach their own children. We saw in many houses that fathers do not take the responsibility of teaching own children because they are busy in earning for their families. They delegate all teaching responsibilities on their wives. That is totally wrong. If you are responsible father and interested to teach own children, we are providing you some tips for teaching without leaving your work.
1st Tip : Make Good Time Table
If you make a good time table for your children's study and also for your work, you can find that there will be lots of free time which you can use for teaching your children. If you are doing Govt. service or private service, at that time, you should teach morning time because almost all the organisations' office time starts from 9:00 a.m. You can easily teach your children for one hour from morning 5:00 a.m to 6 : 00 a.m.
2nd Tip : Better Use of Wasting Time
There may be lots of waste time which you can use for teaching own children. In this list, you can include, time to watching films, chatting on Facebook and chatting and wondering outside aimless. All these time, you can use for teaching your own children.
3rd Tip : Teaching with Motivation
Some parent use abusing, greed and punishment for teaching to their own children. All are the wrong ways. Best ways is to motivate for studying. You can motivate by following ways :
a) Tell the stories of great personalities of the world.
b) Tell the stories of Nobel laureates. Wikipedia can help for this. Wikipedia has made the list of all nobel laureates. You should study each and then tell their life struggle in your simple and plain words. With this, your children get direct power.
c) Actually, all text books are taught in school. But you have to motivate him or her for taking decision with more bravery.
d) In childhood, your children's mind will fluctuate, so, you have to make it strong by teaching them meditation and morning exercise. This motivation will concentrate their mind.
e) Tell him motivational stories.
f) You should also teach them good etiquette for eating the food. You should tell the reason of not eating the meat, chicken and other non-veg. With this, your children will eat vegetarian food and their brain will grow fastly.
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1st Tip : Make Good Time Table
If you make a good time table for your children's study and also for your work, you can find that there will be lots of free time which you can use for teaching your children. If you are doing Govt. service or private service, at that time, you should teach morning time because almost all the organisations' office time starts from 9:00 a.m. You can easily teach your children for one hour from morning 5:00 a.m to 6 : 00 a.m.
2nd Tip : Better Use of Wasting Time
There may be lots of waste time which you can use for teaching own children. In this list, you can include, time to watching films, chatting on Facebook and chatting and wondering outside aimless. All these time, you can use for teaching your own children.
3rd Tip : Teaching with Motivation
Some parent use abusing, greed and punishment for teaching to their own children. All are the wrong ways. Best ways is to motivate for studying. You can motivate by following ways :
a) Tell the stories of great personalities of the world.
b) Tell the stories of Nobel laureates. Wikipedia can help for this. Wikipedia has made the list of all nobel laureates. You should study each and then tell their life struggle in your simple and plain words. With this, your children get direct power.
c) Actually, all text books are taught in school. But you have to motivate him or her for taking decision with more bravery.
d) In childhood, your children's mind will fluctuate, so, you have to make it strong by teaching them meditation and morning exercise. This motivation will concentrate their mind.
e) Tell him motivational stories.
f) You should also teach them good etiquette for eating the food. You should tell the reason of not eating the meat, chicken and other non-veg. With this, your children will eat vegetarian food and their brain will grow fastly.
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