1. Quick Sound Judgement
One of qualities of good teachers is to take quick sound judgement. We all take decisions. But, some decisions are good and other may be wrong. But teacher's one wrong decision may effect the whole life of a student. Delay of teacher's decision is also not for sorry because it is the question of future of students.
2. Kind Feelings
Kind feelings is also part of the quality of good teachers. If a teacher sees any orphaned student, he should not take fees from him. If a teacher sees any student who has no book, he should give free books to him. If a teacher sees that his student has not eaten the food, he has to make food for him. I think, it will be quality of good teacher, if he behaves his student like his own son. He should be strong of voice but kind from heart.
3. Common Sense
Teachers should read more and more books for increasing common sense. Teachers should read more and more educational website for increasing common sense. It will be the quality of a good teacher, if he has store of treasure of knowledge. This quality can get only regular and daily pray of God. He should demand knowledge from God.
4. Patience
Patience is an other quality of great teachers. Great teachers keep patience in their every work. They do not demand of quick result of their teaching. They do not demand that their students have become expert but they live their life in positive thinking. They take their steps of teaching more patiently. They already know that they have to carry students to 25th floor. But they do not motivate them to jump from 25th floor ( it is common sense, no one jump on 25th floor from ground floor). They teach them to climb on first floor by taking 10 to 20 or whatever steps. Patiently, they teach everything.
5. Impartiality
Today, we are seeing everybody is doing partiality with others. For example, I take the example of Govt. employees. Their salaries are Rs. 40,000 to Rs. 50,000. It is very easy for them to buy the fruits of Rs. 200 per kg. But a private person whose salary is just Rs. 4000 to Rs. 5000, how can he buy these fruits. Fruits are very necessary product for both rich and poor. When Govt. employees buy fruits at Rs. 200 per kg, at that time, fruits seller will not decrease the rate for poor person. It is clear that fruits vendor is partiality with poor community on the basis of money.
But teacher is teacher. You have to become good teacher. Yes, only good teacher. You will see one student of poor community and one student of rich community. You will see one black student and other will be white. You will see one student of your religion and other student of your anti-religion. But, you have to teach same. You have to see them with your one eye. It will be the quality of good teachers, if they make same standards and measurements for all type of students.
6. Sincerity
You see the Ads on TV Channel. What do you see in TV ads, do you get? No, because, all TV advertisers are cheaters. They give big amount to Film and other celebrities. All these celebrities speak white lie just for earning Rs. 15 to Rs. 20 Crores per 15 second TV Ads. Is it the example of sincerity of social responsible celebrities. But, we all are teachers. We have to bring sincerity quality in our life. I am also teacher. I always take care of this great quality in my personal life also. Because my personal life will effect on my professional teaching life. When I give time to other to meet, I try to reach on this time. If I do not reach on that time. It is not my sincerity. So, I always call to the that person. First of all, I say that I am very sorry, I will not come on the time for meeting with you. But, it give me power to speak truth.
7. Ability to Teacher Better Way
Teaching is not writing, teaching is not speaking, teaching is not discussing, teaching is not giving punishment, teaching is not explaining, teaching is not taking the exam. Teaching is the big mixture of all these activities by using right activities at right time. You can not get this quality outside. You have to find your ability inside you. One hero lives always in you. Search it! { Reference : Thanks to Dosti Film's one scene where I found these qualities}