In our notice board, we have mentioned our motto. Truth and honesty are our motto because we have realized its power. These two words have given us what we wanted. So, we want to share its power with you. For this, we are taking some important quotes of great personalities from
1. Light is Truth
“The Light is more than some abstract, unknowable energy force. Light is Truth. If Light is truth, then darkness must be lies."
- Renee Bledsoe, Addiction Alchemy
2. Always tell the Truth. That way, you don’t have to remember what you said
By speaking truth, you need not remember anything. Truth will increase your remembering power. When you will speak lie. You have to remember this lie because next time, you have to use same lie for other person. If you start to worship of truth like worship of God, it will make you so powerful. You will become more intelligent by speaking truth in daily life.
3. The biggest consequence to telling a lie is, it leads you to telling another one
Lie is just like net. Only for once and forever applies on lie. If you speak lie once, you can not get rid from it. So, better is never speak it. Honesty can help you to speak truth. If you are honest, you can never become greedy. Lie is always spoken due to greed or fear. But truth is always spoken due to honesty or fearless.
4. Who lies for you will lie against you
If anybody speaks truth for you, he will always speak truth against you but benefits will be your in both side. But a person who speaks lie for you, will become cheater. For getting some more money, he can speak lie against you. So, identify the power of truth and create relationship only with truthful and honest peoples.
5. Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom
Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom. ~ Thomas Jefferson
Why did Thomas Jefferson say these words. He can also say dishonesty is the first chapter in the books of wisdom. There is big need of thinking on this sentence. Will you appoint a dishonest person? No, why? Because he robbed your everything. If you will appoint a dishonest person as your company's accountant. He will show false losses and will take all your business cash. If you will appoint a dishonest salesman, he will cheat you and will deal for his personal benefits. He will carry your customer by taking the benefits of your loopholes and will become your next competitor. If you will appoint a dishonest
6. The Truth is more important than the facts
The Truth is more important than the facts. ~ Frank Lloyd WrightIn window dressing, I have told you that we can add or deduct facts in our accounting information. So, facts are not important. One of major drawback of legal laws that it sees the facts and evidence. But, it should see the real truth.
7. Rule of Universe
Truth and honesty is the rule of universe. You can go any part of the word. You will deal on the basis of truth and honesty. For example, you go to UK for traveling. You live in the hotel for 10 days. After 10 days, you have to pay its fees. You can not refuse to pay the bill because it is the truth that you lived for 10 days. It is the honesty of hotel manager to get only actual fees for living 10 days. Life can become more easy if every person starts to speak truth and lives with honesty. But, I am very sad to see the people who are living their life with dishonesty and lie.