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What are My Dreams

When a child sees the world, he starts to dream. When he sees a car, he dreams that he will also get car in one day. When he grows and get education. He dreams of big profession, big business, money and all the luxuries of life. When he gets big profession, big business, money and all the luxuries of life, he starts to dream to marry with a beautiful lady. When he marries, he dreams happy life with his wife and children. Everyday, the number of his dreams increases with multiple rate. If he dreams 10 things in one day, next day, he will dreams of 100 things and again next day, he dreams 1000 things. There is no end of his desire. When his dreams do not come into reality, it becomes  heartbreaking for him. One day, that person cries and says to his mind, "  Stop living in the world of dreams". But, do you think that person's mind will act upon it. Dear, no! Because God has given natural duty to our mind to take dream. It will be very helpful for future planning. Now, you have to change your style of taking dreams. 

If you want to follow me, I can tell you what are my dreams? Because after taking dreams like me, you will never say to stop living in the world of dreams and it will never become your heartbreaking. 

My First Dream : A house of all Orphan children of the World 

Me with the Statue of the Founder of SOS for living all Orphan Children
An orphan child is a child who has no father and mother. Due to death of parent in accidents, due divorce, due to other reasons, there are lots of children of the world become orphan. After becoming orphan, they live on the foot path. They eat leftovers. When I saw, tears come in my eyes. Are we human being. Child are the second name of God. We have spend billions of dollars in  making of  temples, mosques, gurudwara and churches for keeping Gods different forms like statue and holy books. But we have no money to make a great temple for these children. You can not see God in these children's eyes. You can not feel God in these children's smiling face. But, I always see God and his real love in all these Orphan Children. I see a big dream of a house in which whole world's orphan children will live. I also dream that I will go to this house just like going to temple. My worship will be the education and management of food for these children. I am very happy to dream this because I feel better.

{ I have decided to make a big house for all the orphan children of the world.}

My 2nd Dream:  Books, Dresses, Shoes, Fees for  All Poor Children

This world has divided in to parts due to happening  corporate capitalist culture. All these children are social handicapped because they want to get education but they have no books, no dresses, no shoes and no fees. They are helpless due to lack of these resources. We are so bad because we love our own children. We buy books for own children. We buy dresses for own children. We buy shoes for own children. We pay fees for own children. But why do we not give to support to other poor children. Only because they are not our own. This is the proof of our narrow thinking. What is difference between own and other children. You can say. You have given the birth to your own child. At this point, I say, how can you give birth? Are you engineer of your own child. An engineer is a person who design and build the structure of any machine.

  • There are 72000 pulses. Did you learn in any engineering college to make 72000 in your child's body. 

  • There is also a pump and its name is heart. Did you learn how to and where to install it in your child's body. 

  • There is also two filters in your child's body and name of these filters are kidney. I think, you never saw it. How can you make it. 
  • There are two eyes, there are two hands, there are two legs, there is a brain, there is need of billions of instruments for creating the structure of your child. How can it becomes your own. You are speaking white lie. 
Giving Shoes to Poor Children for winter
It is my challenge to all the fathers of the world who say that they have own child or own children. They are fooling to whole world. Actually, you are not seeing the great creator of the world who have created whole the children with their own hands. So, we have to leave difference between other and own children. I am taking the dream of that day when every poor child of the world will get education free of cost. When they will get the books, dresses, shoes, fees and other things from society. At that time, my this second dream will convert into reality. I am very happy, I am taking dream that all poor children are going to school. Come and help me to fulfill my this dream. 

{I have decided to help all the poor children for their education upto my death. }

My Third Dream : All Vegetarian

Animals do not harm us. They do not take anything from us. They reduce the pollution of the world. To live all the animals are very necessary for our life and our children's life. They did not do any crime, then why we are killing them for eating their meat. Tell me first! 

I am taking dream when whole world will become vegetarian. At that, we will not get the curse of God in the form of earthquake, tsunami and other natural disasters. You know that God is real father all of us. He produce us, he is making food for us, he removes our all sadness. God has given us the brain to think what is good and wrong. When God sees that we are using our brain by killing his other children (Animals are also children of God), God gives us the punishment by bring big natural disasters. So, never eat meat, chicken and other non-veg. 

{ In my life, I have decided in my life to educate everybody about the importance of animals. I have decided to making practical of this dream by teaching you about benefits of vegetarianism}


: 1
  1. Dear Vinod,

    I appreciate your humanitarian concern, may god bless you fulfill your dreams.

    Manoj Nair

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Accounting Education: What are My Dreams
What are My Dreams
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