First of all happy new year 2012 to my all online students, friends, readers and users. I pray to God that God will happiness to you and your family on this new year 2012. So, today, we are starting this Accounting Education through my inspirational message because my whole life is the flow of positive thoughts and I think, this will be helpful for you. So, read following message:
1. This New Year 2012 will Open Your New Doors of Hope
This is the starting point of 2012. Always start it with good thinking. Suppose, you are not succeeded in life in past 10 years. Remember, all past 10 years are not in present. So, never create doubt about your future. Start this new year with your full power. By doing this, you can open your new doors of hope. Get up early in the morning. Pray of God and demand God the power to help others. If you will get power to help others, God has made all resources. It is my personal experience. I started work with my two hands. Nothing was in my hand. I just pray to God, " Please give me power to help others and today, I am seeing that God has given me all resources. Now, I pray to God, " Please make me selfless, so that I can use these resources for the help of needy and helpless. If you will start to think like me, this new year 2012 will open your new doors of hope.
2. I can not pay for my family lives
Never start this new year by thinking. It is not your duty. Your duty is just to work. Start to make family budget. Suppose your salary is Rs. 5000. It is your duty, your all expenses should be under Rs. 5000. You should save Rs. 500 per month money. Think this year that I will reduce the wastage of money. I give some examples of this.
1. Buying of toothpaste is the waste of money because I do not use this. You can save Rs. 100 every month by using Neem Tree's twig. Grind this and then squash it with your teeths. There is nothing cost of this.
2. You need not waste your money in mobile calls. Try to reduce time just talking on the mobile.
What is its need? Just go to your friend and ask, how are you? Simple, there is no cost.
3. Never make Health Budget. I spend Rs. 0 on medicine. I get up in the morning and do exercise and 1. This New Year 2012 will Open Your New Doors of Hope
This is the starting point of 2012. Always start it with good thinking. Suppose, you are not succeeded in life in past 10 years. Remember, all past 10 years are not in present. So, never create doubt about your future. Start this new year with your full power. By doing this, you can open your new doors of hope. Get up early in the morning. Pray of God and demand God the power to help others. If you will get power to help others, God has made all resources. It is my personal experience. I started work with my two hands. Nothing was in my hand. I just pray to God, " Please give me power to help others and today, I am seeing that God has given me all resources. Now, I pray to God, " Please make me selfless, so that I can use these resources for the help of needy and helpless. If you will start to think like me, this new year 2012 will open your new doors of hope.
2. I can not pay for my family lives
Never start this new year by thinking. It is not your duty. Your duty is just to work. Start to make family budget. Suppose your salary is Rs. 5000. It is your duty, your all expenses should be under Rs. 5000. You should save Rs. 500 per month money. Think this year that I will reduce the wastage of money. I give some examples of this.
1. Buying of toothpaste is the waste of money because I do not use this. You can save Rs. 100 every month by using Neem Tree's twig. Grind this and then squash it with your teeths. There is nothing cost of this.
2. You need not waste your money in mobile calls. Try to reduce time just talking on the mobile.
What is its need? Just go to your friend and ask, how are you? Simple, there is no cost.
Yog. No, disease can win the fight with me. Because, by doing exercise and yog, your power to fight
diseases will increase. After this, you need not to spend money on health.
3. Fashion is Killer of Your Life
If you live your life in fashion. It will kill your life. I just give some of its example.
A) I bought my bike. I applied its RC. I obtained its number by just paying Road tax of Rs. 2000. But some people are so bad. They want to get 1234 or 6543 type number. What will you get by getting easy number. It is just fashion for this fashion, they pay unlimited money. Your father worked hard and earned money and you have started to waste this money by bidding for fashion numbers. With this, DTO wastes their time to perform their duty. So, it can be stopped by you. If you have your father's excess money. Please donate it in some welfare projects.
B) A simple marriage can be done just by paying Rs. 5000. What is the need to spend of Rs. 5 Lakh. It is
the wastage of money. It is the wastage of food. What will you to spend money Rs. 5 Lakh or more in one day. Save this money for any welfare activities.