Financial management is that part of management in which fund is collected with low cost and risk. After this, same fund is utilized on maximum return and minimum risk. This is simple explanation of financial management. As college student, you are not doing any work. So, there is not any earning source for you. So, you have to depend on your parents for your pocket money and other education expenses. In our financial management tips for college students content, we will explain the points which will be helpful for you for effective utilization of your limited resources.
Ist Tip : To Do Part Time Work
A simple search on the net, you can find many part-time work on the net. With this, your financial resource will increase. There should not be the point of shy if you do any part time work in your college life. With your struggle, you will perform better. For example, you can contact me for selling my lectures VCDs, I can pay you commission on its sales. Like this, there are lots of music companies and product companies. Every company needs an online salesman. Just 2 or 4 hours, you can get sufficient fund for your college study.
2nd Tip : College Education Budget
Suppose, you want to get MBA degree. Make its all expenses budget. In this budget, you can include all your semesters' fees, books cost, tuition fees and your pocket money cost. Before making budget, please analyze the fees of different colleges. So, colleges are just shops. They just do the work of marketing instead of providing quality education. They produce fuse bulbs. So, never get education from these colleges after compromising their fees.
3rd Tip : Effective Use of Your Student ID
You can use your student id for decreasing transport fare cost and for getting free books from your college library.
4th Tip : Planning for College Educational Loan
Before taking college educational loan, check online scholarship schemes. Govt. and other NGO provides scholarship for students who get merit in the past classes. I remembered, I got the scholarship in three years of B.Com. on the basis of my merit in 10+2 commerce. Only after this, make a good plan for your educational loan. Following are the questions whose answers are important.
Q:- 1 What is the total amount which you need to complete your college education?
Q:- 2 Are your personal resources not sufficient?
Q:-3 Which bank will provide loan at low rate of interest?
Q:-4 What is repayment procedure after taking loan?
Ist Tip : To Do Part Time Work
A College Student is Doing Part Time Work in Investment Company Through Online |
A simple search on the net, you can find many part-time work on the net. With this, your financial resource will increase. There should not be the point of shy if you do any part time work in your college life. With your struggle, you will perform better. For example, you can contact me for selling my lectures VCDs, I can pay you commission on its sales. Like this, there are lots of music companies and product companies. Every company needs an online salesman. Just 2 or 4 hours, you can get sufficient fund for your college study.
2nd Tip : College Education Budget
Suppose, you want to get MBA degree. Make its all expenses budget. In this budget, you can include all your semesters' fees, books cost, tuition fees and your pocket money cost. Before making budget, please analyze the fees of different colleges. So, colleges are just shops. They just do the work of marketing instead of providing quality education. They produce fuse bulbs. So, never get education from these colleges after compromising their fees.
3rd Tip : Effective Use of Your Student ID
You can use your student id for decreasing transport fare cost and for getting free books from your college library.
4th Tip : Planning for College Educational Loan
Before taking college educational loan, check online scholarship schemes. Govt. and other NGO provides scholarship for students who get merit in the past classes. I remembered, I got the scholarship in three years of B.Com. on the basis of my merit in 10+2 commerce. Only after this, make a good plan for your educational loan. Following are the questions whose answers are important.
Q:- 1 What is the total amount which you need to complete your college education?
Q:- 2 Are your personal resources not sufficient?
Q:-3 Which bank will provide loan at low rate of interest?
Q:-4 What is repayment procedure after taking loan?